
Add new Certificate

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As an administrator, I want to be able to add a new certificate to the list of certificates, so that it will be available for management.


  1. The user is logged in as administrator

  2. The user navigates to Admin Cabinet on tab “Сертифікати”

Business rules

  1. Only administrators with access should be able to create new Certificates.

Acceptance Criteria

  1. The button “Додати Сертифікат” is displayed above the table.

  2. When "Додати Сертифікат" is tapped, then the Pop-up appears  with such fields:

Column name Field type Requirements
Номер Сертифікату Empty, should be filled manually Only numeric characters and one special character “-” are allowed in format 1234-1234. (9 symbols). By filling this field, if the user types only numeric characters, after four first characters the system should automatically put the special character “-” (regardless of whether the user enters this character or not).
Дата продажу Empty, should be filled manually Date, when the customer bought the certificate. DD/MM/YYYY.
Номінал By default it is filled with “500.00 грн”.Can be changed manually Number with 2 digits, displayed in format XXX.XX грн. Max number 9999.00 грн
  1. Under field are two buttons: “Скасувати”, “Додати”

  2. When all fields are filled correctly, user can confirm added information by clicking the button “Додати”. The button “Додати” becomes active only if all fields are filled correctly.

  3. By clicking on the button “Додати”, the pop-up closes and user shall be redirected to the tab “Сертифікати” in Admin Cabinet. Filled information about the new certificate should be added to the table with certificates.

  4. By clicking on the button “Скасувати”, or outside of the pop-up, the pop-up should  be closed, and the user shall be redirected to the page, from which the popup was entered. All entered and not saved information will be deleted. The button “Скасувати” is always active.


to be added

Epic #2195