
Add a service "Послуга" to the tariffs card

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As a Super Admin, I want to be able to fill the pricing card and add a service “Послуга” so these tariffs are used to calculate the cost of services for the client.

User Flow
Main UBS menu -> Choose "Тарифи” (tariff)-> Find the pricing cards

The user should be logged in as a Super Admin

Acceptance Criteria

  1. When the User wants to set service “Послуга” for pricing card he/she should:
  • to find the necessary card on the main page “Тарифи” (tariffs), click on it to see the tariffs card
  • to click to button “Додати послугу” (add the service) on the tariffs card
  1. The pop-up window “Додати послугу” (add the service) should be opened with fields:
Field title Field type Condition Prefilled text Validation
“Найменування послуги” (name of the tariff in UA) Input field Mandatory Placeholder “Введіть назву послуги” ( Enter a name for the service in UA) From minimum 1 to maximum 30 characters are allowed. Letters, digits and special characters are allowed.
“Name of the tariff” Input field Mandatory Placeholder “Enter a name for the tariff” From minimum 1 to maximum 30 characters are allowed. Letters, digits and special characters are allowed.
“Об’єм, л” (capacity, l) Input field Mandatory Placeholder “0” From 1 to 999
“Комісія, грн.” (commission, uah) Input field Mandatory Placeholder “0.00” From 0.00 to 999999.99
“Базова вартість” (basic cost) Input field Mandatory Placeholder “0.00” From 0.01 to 999999.99
“Опис послуги” (tariff description in UA) Input field Mandatory Placeholder “Опишіть, що саме входить у сервіс, і умови/правила його надання” (Describe what is included in the service and the conditions / rules for its provision in UA) From minimum 1 to maximum 255 characters are allowed.
“Tariff description”’ Input field Mandatory Placeholder “Describe what is included in the service and the conditions / rules for its provision” From minimum 1 to maximum 255 characters are allowed.
“Скасувати” (cancel) Button     Active by default.
“Додати” (add) Button     Inactive by default. When the user fills in any of fields - the button becomes active
“Дата” (date) Text Mandatory   Current data in the format mmm_dd,yyy
“Додано:” (added by) Text Mandatory   Name of logged Super Admin
  1. When the User press the button “Скасувати” (Cancel) will appear the pop-up window that consists:
  • the message “Скасувати. Ви дійсно хочете скасувати внесені зміни? ” (Cancel. Are you sure you want to undo the changes?)
  • the button “Так” (yes) is active. When the User clicks on the button - the pop-up is closed and the user will see the tariffs card previous view.
  • the button “Ні” (no) is active. When the user clicks on the button - the pop-up is closed and the user sees the previous window "Додати послугу” (add the service) view.
  1. When the User clicks on the button “Додати” (Add) - the pop-up window “Додати послугу” (Add the tariff) should be saved and the user will see the tariffs card previous view.
    This new service should be displayed in the corresponding fields of the “Послуги” section of the tariffs card

  2. After that, the new service should be displayed in the “Мінімальний набір пакетів” (Minimum set of packages) section as a text with check point box. The text should consist of the name of the service and its volume, for example, “Безпечні відходи 120 л” (Safe waste 120 l).

  3. The User should select and fill in one of two positions: “Сума замовлення” (Sum of orders) or “Кількість пакетів” (Numbers of packages) on the page for saving tariffs card.

  4. The tariffs card can be used for billing services for customers only with services “Послуги” and limits section completed

  5. The User should press the button “Зберегти зміни” (save the changes) on the tariff card to save the tariffs in pricing card. After that the User stays at this page (tariffs card), but the button “Зберегти зміни” (save the changes) will be inactive and button “Дублювати” (Duplicate) appears as active.

Epic link
Epic #2195