
[Change request to #2600] Filtering

YuliyaTymkiv opened this issue · 1 comments

Description of a Change request:

  1. Implementation of 2 types of filters (column filter and general filter)
  2. Added columns to be filtered

Reason for Change:
Changes in requirements

Acceptance Criteria

  1. An admin may set a filter using a separate pop-up window (general filter) or filter on some columns (column filter).

  2. General filter. When an admin clicks on the button “Фільтри”, a pop-up window appears.

  3. This pop-up contains the sections with a list of items to be filtered (described below). The sections can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the icon. By default all sections should be collapsed. Each section is named after and related to appropriate column of orders table

  4. The administrator chooses items using checkboxes. By default all items should be deselected. Multiple choice is supported

  5. The administrator can scroll the information displayed on the pop-up using vertical scrollbar.

  6. Buttons “Застосувати” and “Скасувати ” are displayed when at list one item from filtering list is selected. These buttons should be frozen on the down of the pop-up while scrolling the filtering list.

  7. When the administrator clicks on the button “Застосувати” the system should filter the orders according to the set conditions and display these orders in the table

  8. When filtering is applied the quantity of filtered orders should be displayed above the orders table in format “К-сть замовлень: [the number of orders]”. E.g. К-сть замовлень: 20

  9. When the administrator clicks on the button “Скасувати все” all checkboxes should be deselected and filtering conditions cleared.

  10. Administrator can close the pop-up window by clicking on icon X (close).

  11. Administrator should be able to work with the pop-up and orders table at the same time.

  12. Column filter. When administrator clicks on the filter icon on the column, a pop-up window appears

  13. This pop-up window contains the list of items to be filtered in this exact column.

  14. The administrator chooses items using checkboxes. Multiple choices are supported. Checkboxes are deselected by default.

  15. When the admin clicks outside the pop-up, it should be closed.

  16. Both filtering options are interlinked. When admin selects an item in the column filter it should be selected in general filter and vice versa.

  17. The filtering conditions set by admin should be saved and applied in his next session.

  18. If the filter is set, data in the the related column (on which filtering is performed) should be highlighted.

  19. Section/columns and the list of items to be filtered:

Table filters Requirements
Статус замовлення Сheckboxes near supported order statuses are shown (order statuses are described in the user story #2901 ) .
Статус оплати Сheckboxes near supported payment statuses are shown  (payment statuses are described in the user story #2897 ) .
Дата замовлення Possibility to choose next options: Equals - when this option is chosen the user should be able to select a specific date on which filtering will be performed; In range - when this option is chosen the user should be able to select 2 dates(from, to).
Дата оплати Possibility to choose next options: Equals - when this option is chosen the user should be able to select a specific date on which filtering will be performed; In range - when this option is chosen the user should be able to select 2 dates(from, to).
Район Checkboxes near districts are shown. Only those districts should be displayed, which are indicated in existing orders. If the filter of “Область” and/or “Населений пункт” is set, only the related districts should be available to choose. (e.g. if Kyiv is chosen, then admin can select only Kyiv districts)
Місто Checkboxes near available cities are shown. Only those cities should be displayed, which are indicated in existing orders. If the filter of “Область” and/or “Район” is set, only the related cities should be available to choose.
Дата вивезення Possibility to choose next options: Equals - when this option is chosen the user should be able to select a specific date on which filtering will be performed; In range - when this option is chosen the user should be able to select 2 dates(from, to).
Станція приймання Checkboxes near each receiving station are shown.
Менеджер обдзвону Checkboxes near each manager of the call-center and option “без менеджера”
Логіст Checkboxes near each logist and option “без логіста”
Штурман Checkboxes near each pilot and option “без штурмана”
Водій Checkboxes near each  drivers and option “без водія”

to be added

Impact of Change

Labels to be added
[change request: UI improvement]
[change request: adjustment]
[change request: new functionality]

Epic: #2195

@s1auka please disregard the acceptance criteria No.11 "Administrator should be able to work with the pop-up and orders table at the same time." We will do it later