
[UBS Admin Cabinet ] Order status "Скасовано" - view the reason

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As an administrator, I want to view the reason for cancelled order so that to be aware of the issue

Assumptions & Constraints


  1. User is logged in as administrator.
  2. Administrator has opened an separate order from current orders view table
  3. The reason for order cancellation has already been added.

Business rules

Acceptance Criteria

  1. To view the reason of order cancellation, the administrator clicks on event “Статус замовлення - Скасовано” of the order work log section (described in story #3217) and a pop-up with reason details is opened.

  2. Pop-up title is “Причина скасування замовлення № [current order ID] ” and it includes the following fields (disabled):

a. radio buttons:

  • Привезено на станцію самостійно
  • Переїзд
  • Виїзд з міста
  • Не сподобався сервіс
  • Свій варіант

b. field with comment (only if “Свій варіант” was chosen)
c. field “Дата”
d. field “Додано”

  1. These fields are received from “Add the reason for order cancellation” form (story #3190 )

  2. When the administrator clicks on “X” (close icon), the pop-up window is closed


Out of scope

Epic link
E.g.: Epic #2195

Labels to be added
"User story", Correspondind Functionality (e.g. User), Priority ("pri: "), "Corresponding Epic"


    • sample task.