
[UBS Admin Cabinet ] Order work log (history)

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As an administrator, I want to have order work log recorded so that I can check the order processing history

Assumptions & Constraints


  1. User is logged in as administrator.
  2. Administrator has opened an separate order from current orders view table

Business rules

Acceptance Criteria

  1. Order work log title is “Історія замовлення” and it contains the following field and their attributes:
Field Title Field Type Requirements
Дата Date DD/MM/YYYY. Date of the change event. The system automatically picks the current date
Час Time HH:MM. Time of the change event. Time is based on a 24 hour system, local time zone. Seconds are not given. E.g.:12:36. The system automatically picks the current time
Подія Text Change event. All types of characters. (described below)
Автор Text Author of change: Current administrator’s Name and Surname - if changes are made by administrator. Система - if changes are made automatically by the system. Клієнт - if changes are made by client from the order form.
  1. All fields are mandatory and disabled.
  2. The change events are arranged in chronological order: older on the top.
  3. The administrator can expand and collapse the order worklog.

worklog collapsed

  1. First 6 change events are displayed. To see other change events the administrator should scroll using vertical scrollbar.

worklog expend

  1. When the data in the string is more than Event column width, the end of the string should be truncated and 3 dots at the end of the string should appear.

  2. By clicking on the truncated string, a popup window with the full data is shown.

  3. When the admin clicks outside this popup, it should be closed.

  4. Change events title and requirements:

Change event title Requirements
Статус замовлення - [order status] When the order status is changed (described in user story #2901 ).  E.g. Статус замовлення - Сформовано; Статус замовлення - Привезе сам. The author of Статус замовлення - Сформовано is client. Статус замовлення - Скасовано should be linked to the pop-up with the reason of the current order cancellation (user story #3192 ). Статус замовлення - Не вивезено should be linked to the pop-up with the reason of not picked up (user story #3191 )
Замовлення [payment status] When the order payment status is changed (described in user story #2897). E.g. Замовлення оплачено.
Додано коментар When the field “Коментар”  was changed
Змінено дані Відправника When changes were made in any of the following fields of section “Відправник”: - Ім’я; -Прізвище; -Телефон; -Email. When two or more fields were changed at the same time, it is needed to record the change event only once.
Додано порушення When the order violation was added #2861
Змінено деталі порушення When the order violation details were changed #2863
Видалено порушення When the order violation was deleted #2864
Змінено адресу вивезення відходів When any of the following fields in section “Адреса вивезення відходів” is changed: -Вулиця; -Будинок; -Корпус; -Під’їзд; -Район. When two or more fields were changed at the same time, it is needed to record the change event only once.
Змінено деталі замовлення. [service name] [package size]: [previous quantity of packages]шт. на [current quantity of packages] шт. When the quantity of packages was changed (story #2865). If package quantity was changed for several services, the details should be displayed in one line and separated by ‘.’ . E.g. Змінено деталі замовлення. Безпечні відходи 120 л: 2 шт на 3 шт. Текстильні відходи 120 л: 1 шт на 0 шт.
Номер замовлення з магазину змінено з [previous eco-store order ID] на [new eco-store order ID] When the order ID from Eco-store is changed. In case several order IDs from Eco-store were changed, the details should be displayed in one line and  separated by ‘;’. E.g., Номер замовлення з магазину змінено з 1234567890 на 9876543210; з 8974568962 на 4658931267
Додано оплату  №[payment ID] A new payment record was added (story #2898 acceptance criteria 6, 7): a) when payment confirmation was received from payment system (Fondy, LiqPay). b) when payment was added manually (story #2996). E.g. Додано оплату №4567896
Змінено деталі оплати №[payment ID] When a payment, added manually, was changed (story #3001) E.g. Змінено деталі оплати №4567896
Видалено оплату №[payment ID] When a payment, added manually, was deleted (story #3000). E.g. Видалено оплату №4567896
Використані бонуси повернено на бонусний рахунок клієнта When the bonuses, used to pay for the order, were returned to the client’s bonus account (user story #2900, scenario 2 and 3, acceptance criteria - 3.)
Повернено кошти клієнту When the record with comment “Повернення коштів” was added to the table with order payment details (story #2900, scenario 2, acceptance criteria 2)
Зараховано кошти на бонусний рахунок клієнта When the record with comment “Зарахування на бонусний рахунок” was added to the table with order payment details (story #2900, scenario 1 and 3, acceptance criteria 2)
Встановлено деталі вивезення When any field of the following fields in Section “Деталі вивезення” was set: -Дата вивезення; -Час вивезення; -Станція приймання. When two or more fields were set at the same time, it is needed to record the change event only once.
Змінено деталі вивезення.[Дата вивезення:.....Час вивезення:.....Станція приймання:.........] When any field of the following fields in Section “Деталі вивезення” was changed: -Дата вивезення; -Час вивезення; -Станція приймання. When two or more fields were changed at the same time, it is needed to record the change event only once (e.g. Змінено деталі вивезення. Дата вивезення: 07.03.2023 Час вивезення: 08-00:09-00 Станція приймання: Саперно-Слобідська)
Закріплено менеджера обдзвону When a call-center manager  was assigned
Змінено менеджера обдзвону When assigned call-center manager was changed to another one
Закріплено логіста When a logist  was assigned
Змінено логіста When assigned logist was changed to another one
Закріплено штурмана When a call-center pilot  was assigned
Змінено штурмана When assigned pilot was changed to another one
Закріплено водія When a driver was assigned
Змінено водія When assigned driver was changed to another one


Out of scope

Epic link
E.g.: Epic #2195

Labels to be added
"User story", Correspondind Functionality (e.g. User), Priority ("pri: "), "Corresponding Epic"


    • sample task.