
[Admin cabinet. Orders] Filter deselection not applied within 'Штурман', Логіст', 'Водій', 'Менеджер'

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Environment: Windows 10 Pro for Workstations, Google Chrome 124.0.6367.119
Reproducible: always
Build found: 09 May 2024 (prod)

Log in as Admin

Steps to reproduce

  1. Apply filter within 'Менеджер' column by value 'Nadiia Stoiko'
  2. Click on filter again to deselect filer by 'Nadiia Stoiko' and select filter by 'Валерія Ніколайчук'
  3. Pay attention that filer button is done by previous selection instead of current selection.
  4. Repeat these steps for filter within colums by other employee roles 'Штурман', Логіст', 'Водій'

Actual result
Filter applied by previosly selected checkbox instead of current selection

Expected result
Filter checkbox deselection is reflected in popup and filter is applied by currently selected value.

User story and test case links
Test case

Labels to be added
"Bug", Priority ("pri: "), Severity ("severity:"), Type ("UI, "Functional"), "API" (for back-end bugs).
