a chatbot based on sklearn where you can give a symptom and it will ask you questions and will tell you the details and give some advice.
- 5re5htaRushyaAccenture
- 72ohitAllscripts
- AhsultanThe oxford college of engineering
- ananya2407Chennai // Dehradun
- aryan338IIT, Kanpur
- Ashutosh2504
- aslanismailgit
- batuhaninan
- boaghTabriz, Iran
- ds-brxFreiburg im Breisgau, Germany
- faradayAnkara, Turkey
- HemanthDemo
- iamrishav111Jadavpur University.
- Ign-EsChile
- itzdanishindia
- jindarrenHKBU
- jitendriyag2Cuttack, Odisha
- Kareem-negmEGYPT
- KishorP6New York, NY
- kplnarasimha
- Mamu9
- mdashif43
- Mehrdad-sh
- Muhammad-Gamal
- nevilmathew
- NikitaAkimov
- Nowisthetime
- prajwalj27Rochester, United States
- ranjancse26Aezion
- Rohitjoshi971
- vigneshr66
- vivekkarn
- witanixCapCaC40
- YatiVijayChennai
- YoussefAtef91
- zzak00UM6P