
Question: Design a payment gateway system(e-wallet) from scratch which supports these features:

  • User registeration on e-wallet.
  • Merchant registration on e-wallet
  • Payment acceptance by any merchant.
  • Creating user wallet for user registered and enabling it in payments flow.
  • Create merchant wallet here where payment money will be credited from user wallet to merchant's wallet.

Following APIs needs to be implemented:

  1. POST user/register (Take user details as input)
  2. POST user/add/money (add amount to user wallet)
  3. POST merchant/register
  4. POST transaction/initiate -- it should fail if user wallet doesn't have enough balance
  5. GET transaction/status -- to be used by user/merchant both.

Maintain a database for storing order,user,merchant data Use OOPs concepts(inheritance, polymorphism) as much as you can to implement this and try to build this system keeping data security/concurrency issues in mind.

Tech Stack expected:

  • Java
  • MySql
  • Spring Boot
  • Hibernate

User Related APIs: A)GET : 1)http://localhost:9090/users 2)http://localhost:9090/users/uid B)POST: 1)http://localhost:9090/users 2 body(JSON):{ "firstName" : "Yashwant", "lastName" : "Gahlot", "email":"", "address1":"xyxs", "address2":"sdfadss", "mobile":994564, "gender":"female"

} C)PUT: 1)http://localhost:9090/users/uid D)DELETE:

API USED: GET: http://localhost:9090/transaction/status/{tid} GET: http://localhost:9090/transaction/{tid} GET: http://localhost:9090/transaction/all GET: http://localhost:9090/wallet

POST:http://localhost:9090/(customer or merchant)/register { "mobileWallet" : 3433344232 }

POST: http://localhost:9090/transaction/make body:{ "sender": 3433344232, "receiver": 12332232, "amount": 500 }

PUT:http://localhost:9090/wallet/add/money/{amount} { "mobileWallet" : 12332232 } PUT: http://localhost:9090/wallet/activate/(0 or 1)

{ "mobileWallet" : 12332232 }