
our bindings between ZURB's Foundation and Angular.JS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


Our bindings between ZURB's Foundation and Angular.JS.

Unlike other such binding projects, our attempt focuses on reusing the official Foundation code as much as possible. As such, we try to wrap Foundation's jQuery interface with Angular.JS, rather than try to replace it.


  • Require.JS with its text! plugin

  • Angular.JS, registered with Require.JS as "angular"

  • Foundation, registered with Require.JS as "foundation"

  • jQuery, registered with Require.JS as "jquery"

  • LoDash, registered with Require.JS as "lodash"


Copy bmpFoundation.min.js to a directory within your project. We're also in Bower under 'angular-bmp-foundation'.

Load this component in with Require.JS, then make your Angular.JS app depend on the module it exposes, like so:

// assuming Require.JS's baseUrl is set to the 'js' directory...
], function (ng) {
  var app;
  app = angular.module('app', ['bmp.foundation']);

  // TODO: define the rest of your Angular.JS app...

Add the bmp-foundation attribute to the body element, like so:

<body x-bmp-foundation="">


Make sure that all Foundation Reveal modals are defined with:

  • the data-reveal attribute

  • a page-unique id attribute.

a[bmp-close-reveal], button[bmp-close-reveal]

  1. Create a Foundation Reveal modal.

  2. Add the bmp-close-reveal attribute to any of the elements within the modal.

This element may be clicked to close its parent modal.

a[bmp-open-reveal=id], button[bmp-open-reveal=id]

  1. Create a Foundation Reveal modal.

  2. Add the bmp-open-reveal attribute to any clickable element on your page, settings its value to the id attribute of the desired target modal.

This element may be clicked to open the target modal.

$scope.closeRevealModal ()

  1. Create a Foundation Reveal modal, and attach an Angular.JS controller to it with the ng-controller attribute.

The controller's $scope has a closeRevealModal() method automatically defined. This method can be called anywhere within the controller's scope in order to close the modal.

$scope.$on ('bmp.foundation.revealClosed', handler)

You may hook this Angular.JS event from any $scope in order to be notified whenever any Foundation Reveal modal is closed.

  • {Function} handler - called when the event triggers

    • {ng.Event} $event - Angular's wrapped Event object

    • {String} id - the unique id attribute from the modal element

    • {Element$} el$ - the modal element, wrapped by jQuery or angular.element

$scope.openRevealModal (id)

Call this from any $scope to open the Reveal modal with the matching id.

  • {String} id - unique ID for the target modal element

$scope.confirmWithReveal (options, callback)

Call this from any $scope to open a Reveal modal for the purpose of prompting the user and receiving a true or false value based on their input.

  • {Object} options - values controlling the presentation of the modal

    • {String} [title] - text displayed in very large font at the top

    • {String} [lead] - text displayed in large font beneath title (if any)

    • {String} [body] - text displayed in regular font beneath lead (if any)

  • {Function} callback - called once the user makes their choice

    • {Boolean} result - the user's response

$scope.alertWithReveal (options, callback)

Call this from any $scope to open a Reveal modal for the purpose of alerting the user.

  • {Object} options - values controlling the presentation of the modal

    • {String} [title] - text displayed in very large font at the top

    • {String} [lead] - text displayed in large font beneath title (if any)

    • {String} [body] - text displayed in regular font beneath lead (if any)

  • {Function} callback - called once the user closes the alert

Known Issues

"scroll" events

Due to a weird issue (possibly in Foundation), this component has to unregister all "scroll" events regularly: foundation/foundation-sites#2956

As such, it will be painful to use this component in combination with code that adds other "scroll" event handlers.