
Programming language that compiles to Jass and Lua (the language to create Warcraft III Maps).

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Wurstscript is a delicious programming language which compiles to Jass or Lua code that is used to power WarCraft III maps.

Build Status CircleCI GitHub issues GitHub pull requests Coverage Status

User Documentation

Using WurstScript to build a map is easy! Check out the Setup Guide on how to get started. For a formal description of all language features, visit the Manual.

Consider joining the WurstScript community on Discord.

Reporting Bugs

Please report any bugs your encounter with our Issue Tracker. Include as much information as possible, ideally with logs. Logfiles are located in your home folder under ~/.wurst/logs. Find the last modified file and pastebin it's contents.


See https://github.com/wurstscript/WurstScript/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md

System Overview

This repository contains the following sub-projects:

  • de.peeeq.wurstscript
    • The core wurstscript compiler and directly related tools
  • Wurstpack
    • (deprecated) Wurst integration for the Warcraft III World Editor

IDE support is provided via a VSCode plugin: https://github.com/wurstscript/wurst4vscode

The source for the wurstscript website can be found here: https://github.com/wurstscript/wurstscript.github.io

Build Process

Using Gradle

Simply run the appropriate gradle task using the provided gradle wrapper.

./gradlew compileJava

For deploying .jars and .zips see tasks in deploy.gradle

./gradlew create_zip_wurstpack_compiler

To update your compiler installation use

./gradlew make_for_userdir

Import into IDE

You can import the compiler project into any IDE that provides a gradle plugin. For IntelliJ IDEA, you can simply execute ./gradlew openIdea. To run the Test Suite, execute AllTests.xml with TestNG.

Publishing a new release

Jenkins auto-releases versions as major.minor.patch.hotfix-jenkins-Wurst-buildNumber - e.g.

The version string can be updated in build.gradle.