
The Semantic Validator is a component (based on RDF4J) designed to provide a simple way for validating RDF metadata dataset against a specific Ontology on an underlying triplestore.

The triplestore used is in-memory, rules actually are sparql queries executed in distinct repositories for the sigle validation request, in order to isolate the validations.

semantic_repository component inside the semantic_manager architecture


The validator is currently based on a set of queries (about 150 for DCAT-AP_IT) returning a record of information for the rules broken by the dataset, the most important infos are:

  • Class name: the class involved in the rule (ex: Organization for DCAT-AP_IT)
  • Rule ID: the broken rule id (ex: 207 for DCAT-AP_IT)
  • Error description: the problem description (ex: "vcard:hasURL should be a resource" for DCAT-AP_IT)

there are two endpoints:

  • /validate : in order to validate a document
  • /validators: in oder to ghe the list of available validators


  1. compile / package
$ sbt clean package
  1. run
$ sbt run

Validation rules

The validator is now configured with three vocabularies:

The directory stucture is modular in order to add new validators, rules and methods of validation.

The validators have to be configured in the validator.conf file under the conf directory

│ build.sbt
│ ...
│ application.conf
│ validator.conf
│ ...
          │ DCAT-AP_IT.owl
          │ Licenze.ttl
          │ vcard-ns.ttl
          │ ...

OWL and ttl files in the specific ontology directory (ex: dist/data/ontologies/agid/DCAT-AP_IT) and the dataset sended to the service, are loaded together into the repository (in-memory) in order to use RDFS inference during the validation.

running / testing the microservice

The most simple way to test the application locally, is running it directly from sbt

$ sbt clean compile
$ sbt run

Another option is to prepare the distribution to deploy with sbt, then run it. For example we could:

$ sbt clean dist
$ unzip -o -d  target/universal/ target/universal/
$ cd target/universal/semantic_validator-1.0.1
$ bin/semantic_validator -Dconfig.file=./conf/production.conf

Preparing a docker image is strightforward as:

$ sbt docker:stage
$ sudo docker build target/docker/stage/
$ sudo docker run -p 9000:9000 {image_id}

And finally we can build and publish locally the docker image to run, by:

$ sbt clean compile
$ sudo sbt docker:publishLocal
$ sudo docker run -p 9000:9000 {image_id}


  • add an implementation for shacl validations
  • add a CPSV-AP_IT rules set for the validator
  • ...

SEE ALSO: teamdigitale/daf

[README last updated: 2018-05-22]