
Ansible playbooks for deploying docs.italia.it

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Ansible scripts to setup docs.italia infrastructure


master branch supports the docs italia version currently on production environment.

Version-specific branches are created to support legacy of future versions for deploy on non-production environments.

Current branches:

  • italia-2.3.13 (for docs-italia italia-2.3.13 branch)
  • italia-3.7.5 (for docs-italia italia-dev branch)

Available roles

  • ansible: add ansible requirements on the remote
  • app: rtd app
  • certbot: letsencrypt installation and certificate issue
  • docker: docker
  • es: Elastic Search
  • python: python and support packages
  • sql: postgres
  • update: routine apt update
  • web: http server


see individual roles for available variables

Infrastructure variables

The following global variables (typically to be defined on the hosts) are available

  • http[=1]: Install http server
  • es[=1]: Install Elasticsearch server
  • python[=1]: Install python environment
  • app[=1]: Install rtd
  • sql[=1]: Install postgres
  • converter[=1]: Install docx/odt -> RST converter
  • python_version=2.7|[3.x]: Python version to be used to run rtd
  • worker[=1]: Install worker-related packages (docker)
  • ansible_python_interpreter[=/usr/bin/python3]: Path to python interpreter on remote
  • force: general variable to force actions

Example: ansible_port=22 ansible_user=user http=1 es=1 python=1 app=1 sql=1 python_version=2.7 worker=1 docker=1 ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python2 ansible_port=22 ansible_user=ubuntu http=1 es=1 python=1 app=1 sql=1 python_version=3.6 worker=1 docker=1 ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3 rtd_domain=my.domain.it rtd_baseurl=my.domain.it rtd_proto=http converter=1 converter_branch=master docker_version=18.06.0~ce~3-0~ubuntu

Application configuration variables

Some variables are strictly dependent on the running environment, and the defaults provided here wont't work.

You will have to override the variables in the vagrant.yml file or the inventory file.

Safe defaults for a local environment are:


An example inventory file may look like this:

  hosts: python=1 app=1 http=1 python=1 worker=1 docker=1 es=1 sql=1

    SECRET_KEY: 'somerandomsupersecretkey'
    SLUMBER_USERNAME: 'slumber'
    SLUMBER_PASSWORD: 'slumber'
    USE_SMTP: False
    EMAIL_HOST: ''


  • Create a virtualenv with requirements installed from requirements.txt
  • Create a host inventory and provide the Infrastructure variables provided above
  • Create a vault file named vault by running ansible-vault create vault
  • Provide a password to encrypt the vault
  • Add the remote machine password as ansible_become_pass: mysudopassword
  • Create a text file containing the vault password (es: vault.txt)
  • Override the Application configuration variables as described above
  • Run ansible with ansible-playbook -i hosts --vault-password-file=vault.txt setup.yml

Roles order

If you want to create a custom playbook, take into accounts the strict roles dependencies:

  • app depends on:
    • web
    • sql
    • es
    • python
    • docker
  • certbot depends on:
    • web

Available tags

  • setup: services installation:
    • nginx
    • elasticsearch
    • postgres
    • python interpreter
    • docker
    • pandoc / converter commands
  • init: data initialization
    • pull docker image
  • configuration: configuration updates
    • services configuration for rtd projects
  • deploy: application deployment
    • django projects deployment
  • settings: update django settings configuration
  • deploy_pandoc: update converter commands

pandoc / converter

Optionally this playbook can install docx/odt -> RST converter platform

It is installed as a application under the main main project and is available on the /converter URL

Be aware that installing this will require ~= 6GB of storage and 1h of time (depending on VM connection speed and CPU power)


By using the backup role, one can install the database daily backup. Database configuration are shared with the app role, thus no specific configuration is needed by default.


The role provides two tags:

  • setup: configure the backup script and crontab
  • backup: run setup, run the backup script and fetch the dump on the local computer

Tags are available in the standard setup.yml playbook, as well as in the dedicated backup.yml


  • ansible-playbook -i cluster backup.yml --vault-password-file=vault.txt -tsetup setup and configure the script
  • ansible-playbook -i cluster backup.yml --vault-password-file=vault.txt -tbackup run the backup and fetch it locally


The backup role provides dedicated variables :

  • sql_backup_history[=30]: oldest backup to be kept on the server
  • sql_backup_dir[=/var/local/backup]: local server directory to store backup files
  • sql_backup_script[=/usr/local/sbin/backup_sql.sh]: backup script path
  • backup_delete[=]: if set to delete, makes backup scripts delete backups older than sql_backup_history.


  • [ ] Handle or document data needed for a working setup
  • [x] move italia_rtd to official repo
  • [x] Documentation URL has https hardcoded (from italia_rtd.resolver.ItaliaResolver.resolve)
  • [x] nginx configuration files cleanup / refactoring
  • [x] should default variable target a development or production host type?
  • Development except vaulted secrets
  • [x] move redirect app and some missing python deps in the repos
  • [x] improve variable placement / naming
  • [ ] improve multi server settings
  • [x] improve how django management commands are run
  • [x] should docker image be pulled during default installation? It's a long process (3GB+ image)