- 1
- 1
Problema download metadata IDP Poste
#90 opened by delzotto - 13
Aggiunta AttributeConsumingService - Eidas
#22 opened by infoFactorySRL - 0
Validazione metadata per CIE
#87 opened by delzotto - 2
fixed entityID
#86 opened by freddy34 - 1
pplnx's pysaml2 fork not needed anymore
#83 opened by peppelinux - 1
Supporto per CIE
#76 opened by peppelinux - 3
The demo project doesn't work
#66 opened by alfio-faro - 5
In response to
#60 opened by peppelinux - 1
Aggiungere test Tox alla CI
#50 opened by brunato - 6
Problemi con ACS endpoint
#47 opened by brunato - 5
Error StatusInvalidAuthnResponseStatement
#23 opened by infoFactorySRL - 6
- 3
- 0
Refactor with Django Class Views
#35 opened by peppelinux - 6
SAML2 set_cookie error
#24 opened by freddy34 - 26
- 7
Errore register_prefix() missing 1 required positional argument: 'nspair'
#19 opened by infoFactorySRL - 9
- 1
Unit test and Code Coverage
#15 opened by peppelinux - 3
Problemi di autenticazione
#14 opened by calicant - 8
- 2
- 5
Requirements do not install correctly
#7 opened by elpaso - 1
Signature Algorithm Value not valid
#9 opened by dipalmabiagio - 4
- 8
Stato di salute del progetto
#11 opened by peppelinux - 4
Errori di validazione in AuthnRequest
#12 opened by calicant - 7
adottare PySAML2
#5 opened by fmarco - 4
Assertions not signed
#6 opened by peppelinux - 0