
Documentation not clear about docker installation

fmalfatto opened this issue · 7 comments

I installed the docker image on a Opensuse Leap15.1 but after building the container I do not know how to copy the config file.
The statement cp conf/config.yaml.example conf/config.yaml where has to be run?
In the container folder I only have two files: idp.key and idp. cert.

The log says : ERROR:testenv.log:Impossibile accedere al file di configurazione: ./conf/config.yaml

You need to copy the file into the directory you've bound as /app/conf. If you followed the README example and used /etc/spid-testenv2/:

$ cp conf/config.yaml.example /etc/spid-testenv2/config.yaml

Alternatively, if you apply #269 it's done automatically.

I followed the README and my dir is /dati/spid-testenv2/ so I did (as root):
# mkdir  /dati/spid-testenv2
# cd /dati
# docker create --name spid-testenv2 -p 8088:8088 --restart=always  --mount src="/dati/spid-testenv2",target="/app/conf",type=bind  italia/spid-testenv2
But in /dati/spid/testenv2 there is no conf/config.yaml

# # ls -la spid-testenv2/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root   36 Dec  4 21:13 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root   58 Dec  4 20:27 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1094 Dec  4 21:13 idp.crt
-rw------- 1 root root 1704 Dec  4 21:13 idp.key

So I think that before to do the cp command I should move to cd some_folder, otherwise I cannot
copy conf/config.yaml that has a relative path.

I have read #269 and his link to fix #238 but I see no solution to the missing config file

/dati/spid-testenv2/ is conf/ inside the container. Just use:

$ cp WHERE_THE_SOURCE_IS/conf/config.yaml.example /dati/spid-testenv2/config.yaml

This way ?

# find /var/lib/docker/  -name 'config.yaml.example'

# cp /var/lib/docker/overlay2/b532830734a596708a20886c7e89b8c57717e68f5d413f920bebac56bc7571e2/diff/app/conf/config.yaml.example  /dati/spid-testenv2/

Something like:

$ git clone
$ cd spid-testenv2
# cp conf/config.yaml.example /dati/spid-testenv2/config.yaml

Reading the doc I thought that following the docker installation I already downloaded the image during the "docker create --name spid-testenv2 " step. In effect I can list both the spid-testenv2 image and the container in my docker installation. Do you mean that I must download the source also outside of the docker ? The Readme does not tell that:

Alternativamente alla procedura di installazione manuale è possible installare ed eseguire l'Identity Provider di test usando l'immagine presente su Docker Hub.

You're correct, you don't need the source, I was using it as an example of where you can find config.yaml.example

You can also get it from here: