- 6
ProviderName su AuthnRequest: "item not allowed"
#341 opened by mauromol - 0
Errata risposta per errore 22
#342 opened by mauromol - 4
Verification of signature failed.
#336 opened by Asifkrishaweb - 11
spid response issue
#339 opened by Asifkrishaweb - 1
- 2
Docker su Windows
#328 opened by cirolaferrara - 2
#338 opened by Asifkrishaweb - 2
#335 opened by Asifkrishaweb - 0
The future of spid-testenv2
#332 opened by peppelinux - 1
Page /admin/databasesprecord not found
#329 opened by johnatandante - 1
Elemento KeyInfo>KeyName non ammesso nella Signature
#292 opened by lscorcia - 2
[Python3.8] Note di installazione
#305 opened by peppelinux - 1
uso https
#299 opened by verypossident - 5
InvalidInput - Both X509Data and KeyValue found. Use verify(ignore_ambiguous_key_info=True) to ignore KeyValue and validate using X509Data only.
#325 opened by vincenzocorso - 2
- 2
SPNameQualifier: item not allowed
#313 opened by efabris - 1
BUG: Il server non accetta più SAMLRequest se un metadato fallisce la validazione
#262 opened by nataz77 - 0
There is no /add-user endpoint
#272 opened by bfabio - 1
/admin should look like the rest of the pages
#273 opened by bfabio - 7
Documentation not clear about docker installation
#278 opened by fmalfatto - 5
idptest non risponde
#280 opened by bamoruso - 2
Errore "ValueError: Unicode ..." su idp online (
#281 opened by mcolucci82 - 2
- 2
- 3
ERROR:testenv.log:expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['metadata']
#284 opened by publicocean0 - 1
Ambiente di Test
#285 opened by Eduardo1977 - 4
Update markupsafe to 1.1 in requirements.txt
#286 opened by niciz - 1
Problemi di cache nel validatore
#287 opened by SamueleFurnari - 1
Algoritmo di firma deprecato
#288 opened by lorenzobersano - 1
Supporto per SPID persone giuridiche
#289 opened by blaluc - 1
Verifica SPID Validator
#290 opened by dev-palmieri - 4
TypeError: argument should be a bytes-like object or ASCII string, not 'NoneType'
#295 opened by gozus19p - 1
- 1
Errori random di validazione
#303 opened by luimosca - 2
Autenticazione SPID con Google Firebase
#310 opened by valentinoavon - 2
- 3
Integrazione installazione su Linux Ubuntu
#319 opened by deligant - 1
Avviso 25 non implementato
#322 opened by deligant - 1
Errore 405 - Method not allowed
#324 opened by AlessandraB19 - 0
- 14
- 1
Service Provider configurati non rilevati
#316 opened by matteo2411 - 0
SPID Professionale
#314 opened by leptoquark - 0
- 14
ERROR:testenv.log:expected a dictionary for dictionary value @ data['metadata']
#261 opened by ivancarlucci - 2
- 2
attributi mancanti nella samlresponse
#300 opened by fabioportieri - 1
#296 opened by codeweb - 1
- 0
No module named contrib.fixers
#294 opened by vcbal2580