What is a fractal?

Fractals are geometric patterns that can be visible in whatever scale of a figure. Are like those graphics where you can zoom and observe the same image repeating infinitely in different proportions.

About the project

It is a 42 Network Computer Graphics project about algebraic fractals. Here, we will study the following implementations: Mandelbrot and Julia.

So, let's generate this using linear equations and recursion.



The Mandelbrot is the fractal defined by a set of C points in a complex plane, which his sequence does not tend to infinity. We can express this like Z(n+1) = Z(n^2) + C, such that Z(0) = 0.



The Julia set drift by dynamic polynomial study in complex planes. Are generated by the quadratic function fc(z) = z² + c.


  • C
  • Math.h
  • Makefile
  • ShellScript
  • MiniLibX