
This package contains hypothetical exercises involving repetition structures, which make use of recursion.

Primary LanguageC

C language recursion

This package contains hypothetical exercises involving repetition structures, which make use of recursion.


Convert the following recursive function to an iterative function.

int func (int n)
	if (n <= 0)
		return (0);
	return (n + func(n-1));

Write the following functions. They all take two integers as params a, b > 0 and return an integer. You can only use these arithmetic operators: - and +.

  • sum_I() An iterative function that returns a + b;
  • sum_R() An recursive function that returns a + b;
  • multi_I() An iterative function that returns a * b;
  • multi_R() An recursive function that returns a * b;

Create the following recursive functions:

  • smallest_digit() returns the smallest digit of an integer;
  • biggest_digit() returns the biggest digit of an integer;
// Exemple:
smallest_digit(1234); // returns 1
biggest_digit(1234); // returns 4

#DataStructures #ComputerScience #C