
A whatsapp api made with selenium in Python

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Whatsappy 4.2.0

License: MIT Downloads

Project Update: Temporary Inactivity

Unfortunately, this repository is currently non-functional. I plan to allocate time in the future to revitalize it and ensure its usability. In the meantime, I hope this proves helpful to those embarking on their own adaptations. Thank you for your understanding.


Whatsappy is a Python library for interacting with WhatsApp Web using Selenium. With this library, you can automate WhatsApp tasks such as sending messages, creating groups, and more.


  • Python 3.11+
  • Chrome 94+
  • WhatsApp Web in English


You can install Whatsappy using pip:

pip install whatsappy-py


Here's an example of how you can use Whatsappy to send a message:

from whatsappy import Whatsapp

# Create a new instance of Whatsapp
whatsapp = Whatsapp()

# Create event handlers
def on_ready():
    print("WhatsApp Web is ready!")

def on_message(chat):
    print(f"New message from {chat.name}: {chat.message}")

# Open WhatsApp Web in Chrome

# Select the chat you want to send a message to
chat = whatsapp.open("John Smith")

# Send a message
chat.send("Hello, John!")

# Close WhatsApp Web

API Reference



  • driver: webdriver.Chrome: The Chrome driver.
  • unread_messages: List[UnreadMessage]: List of unread messages.
  • me: Me: The current user.
  • current_chat: str | None: The name of the current chat. Returns None if no chat is selected.


  • run(): Opens WhatsApp Web in Chrome.
  • close(): Closes the Chrome window.
  • open(chat: str) -> (Chat | Group | None): Selects a chat by name and returns a Chat or Group instance. Returns None if the chat does not exist.



  • name: str: The name of the user.
  • about: str: The about of the user.
  • profile_picture: JpegImageFile: The profile picture of the user.



  • name: str: The name of the chat.
  • number: str: The number of the chat.
  • about: str: The about of the chat.
  • profile_picture: JpegImageFile: The profile picture of the chat.
  • last_message: Message | None: The last message of the chat.
  • is_muted: bool: Whether the chat is muted or not.
  • is_blocked: bool: Whether the chat is blocked or not.
  • is_pinned: bool: Whether the chat is pinned or not.


  • open(): Opens the chat.
  • send(message: str, attachments: Optional[List[str]] = None, type: Optional[str] = "auto"): Sends a message to the chat.
  • mute(): Mutes the chat.
  • unmute(): Unmutes the chat.
  • block(): Blocks the chat.
  • unblock(): Unblocks the chat.
  • clear(keep_starred: bool = False): Clears the chat messages.
  • delete(): Deletes the chat.
  • pin(): Pins the chat.
  • unpin(): Unpins the chat.



  • subject: str: The subject of the group.
  • description: str: The description of the group.
  • profile_picture: Optional[JpegImageFile]: The profile picture of the group.
  • participants: int: The number of participants of the group.
  • last_message: Message | None: The last message of the group.
  • is_muted: bool: Whether the group is muted or not.
  • is_pinned: bool: Whether the group is pinned or not.


  • open(): Opens the group.
  • send(message: str, attachments: Optional[List[str]] = None, type: Optional[str] = "auto"): Sends a message to the group.
  • mute(): Mutes the group.
  • unmute(): Unmutes the group.
  • leave(): Leaves the group.
  • clear(keep_starred: bool = False): Clears the group messages.
  • pin(): Pins the group.
  • unpin(): Unpins the group.
  • promote(user: str): Promotes a user to admin.
  • demote(user: str): Demotes a user from admin.



  • chat: Chat | Group: The chat the message belongs to.
  • author: str: The author of the message.
  • content: str: The content of the message.
  • timestamp: datetime.datetime: The timestamp of the message.
  • attachments: List[str]: The attachments of the message.
  • is_forwarded: bool: Whether the message is forwarded or not.
  • is_reply: bool: Whether the message is a reply or not.


  • reply(message: str, attachments: Optional[List[str]] = None, type: Optional[str] = "auto"): Replies to the message.



  • name: str: The name of the chat.
  • count: int: The number of unread messages in the chat.
  • message: Optional[str]: The last message in the chat.


  • reply(message: str, attachments: Optional[List[str]] = None, type: Optional[str] = "auto"): Replies to the unread chat with a message. and returns a Chat or Group instance.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


If you like this project, please consider donating to help me continue working on it.


Whatsappy is licensed under the MIT License