Student_marks_predictor-projct Machine Learning

Objective : Education is very important issue regarding development of a country. The main objective of education institutions is to provide high quality education to its students. One way to accomplish this is by predicting student's academic performance and thereby taking early steps to improve student's performance and teaching quality.

This system aims to predict student's marks using linear regression. The idea behind this analysis is to predict the marks of students by their studying hours. Througgh this project we can determine.

How may hours need to do the study to get 99% marks if i will do study x() hours per day so how much marks i will get.

#using models: I created a student marks prediction model with the help of following few steps like: Define Project Objective Data Collection Model Selection Data Preprocessing (Data Cleaning, Data Preparation, split into train and test, Feature Scaling). Data visualization Model building Deploy Model and i also used a model with my flask application. and i also deploy this model on spyder(anaconda 3).

Deployment on Spyder website link :