
Java lib for for supporting jsonb PostgreSQL type.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

PG - jsonb

Java library easy querying jsonb PostgreSQL type of data.

Getting Started

This lib can be used either along with Hibernate CriteriaBuilder API (CriteriaBuilder), Hibernate Criterion API (Restrictions) or with native JDBC queries.

More on how to use PostgreSQL JSON data types along with this lib you can read on my blog.

Hibernate CriteriaBuilder API example

In order to use pg-jsonb lib with CriteriaBuilder API it is required to use one from the provided Dialects that could be found at com.vzornic.pgjson.hibernate.dialect.

For example: hibernate.dialect=com.vzornic.pgjson.hibernate.dialect.PostgresJsonSQL94Dialect

    //JPA/Hibernate stuff
    CriteriaBuilder cb = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<User> cr = cb.createQuery(User.class);
    Root<User> root = cr.from(User.class); 

    // Instantiate JSONRootImpl with RootImpl. This is required in order to build json properties
    JSONRootImpl<User> jsonRoot = new JSONRootImpl<User>((RootImpl<User>) root, "json_column_name");
    //query json data
    cr.where(cb.equal(jsonRoot.get("jsondata.parent[0].name"), "Jane Doe"));

As you can see in example, json expressions are build using JSONRootImpl<X>.

Methods get(String jsonPath, Class<Y> type) and get(String jsonPath) will build a json paths. If type is not specified, String is used by default.

API is using javascript notation to build paths, i.e:


Hibernate Criterion API example

  Criteria criteria = ... // Get Criteria object
  criteria.add(Restrictions.eq("name", "John Doe"); // Regular hibernate query
  criteria.add(JSONBRestrictions.eq("json_column", "jsondata.parent[0].name", "Jane Doe"); // Json restriction  
  criteria.list(); // Obtain result

JDBC example

  Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
  SimpleJsonCondition jsonCondition = new SimpleJsonCondition(new JsonProperty("json_column", "sondata.parent[0].name"), new ParametrizedValue("Jane Doe"), "=");
  String sql = new StringBuilder()
      .append("SELECT * FROM user WHERE ")


Add to your pom.xml


Running the tests

In order to run tests, there are few prerequirements needed:

  • postgress up on localhost:5432
  • Database pgjsonb
  • User test/test with full access to pgjsonb database
  • Execute seed.sql from test/resources

Built With

  • Maven - Dependency Management


Feel free to enhance this libary and open PR. I'll review PRs as soon as possible.


  • Vedad Zornic - Initial work - vzornic

See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details