This is an unofficial TYPO3 Extension for the Clockwork development tool for PHP. For more information about Clockwork, visit the Clockwork website.


Install the Clockwork TYPO3 Extension via Composer.

$ composer require itanix/clockwork

Enable TYPO3 FE Debug Mode

To enable data collection, set $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['FE']['debug'] in the LocalConfiguration.php.

Once data collection is enabled, clockwork stores all requests as JSON files in the /typo3temp/clockwork folder by default.

Data is kept for 30 days by default and older data should be deleted automatically. It would probably still be a good idea to keep an eye on the folder, especially if disk space is tight.

Web Interface

The webinterface is not integrated yet.

Browser extension

The browser dev tools extension is available for Chrome and Firefox:

Chrome Web Store

Firefox Addons