
A simple clojurescript framework

Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT


What's the frontend of duct?

You say air conditioning? Oh! Fan Coil Unit.

A clojurescript framework, which uses multi-methods to define and implement system unit, uses integrant to inject configuration and stateful dependencies to unit at system startup.

It is highly inspired by the structure of re-frame and duct.


[com.github.itarck/fancoil "0.0.7-SNAPSHOT"]    ;  Leiningen/Boot
com.github.itarck/fancoil {:mvn/version "0.0.7-SNAPSHOT"}    ; Clojure CLI/deps.edn

How to use

  • Read the source code: not much, ~100 loc
  • See fancoil.module, if you need some module to extend
    • fancoil.module.datascript:datascript, an alternative to ratom
    • fancoil.module.posh:poshed datascript,you can use posh in subscribe
    • fancoil.module.cljs-ajax: a wrap for cljs-ajax, as plugin of fancoil unit do!
    • fancoil.module.reitit.html-router: a reitit frontend router, already integranted with accountant and clerk, originally from reagent-template
  • Try some examples in fancoil-example repo: includes simple clock, todomvc-ratom, todomvc-datascript, cat chat (with backend via http and ws)

System structure

System structure


  • System
    • The system has several machines working together, and it is stateful.
    • The system needs to follow a certain order when starting the machines.
  • Machine (unit)
    • Machines have three period: definition, implementation and runtime.
    • When a machine is running, it depends on other machines, and it is stateful.
    • If a machine is not running, it has no state. It is formal function that implements runtime functionality.
  • Plugin
    • Plugin can extend functionality of a machine
  • Module
    • Module can extend the system. Module is a package of a new machine and plugins for its related machines

Types of machine

Name Homies? Desc Spec Detail
db stored state ref ratom,datascript
chan flow state channel core.async.chan
subscribe subscribe reaction ref -> reaction tree of reactions
view view model model -> reactions -> react component reagent, rum
dispatch dispatch event event -> request
tap tap model value->value user-defined, for handle, pure function
process process request request -> effect default to db-handler
- inject inject co-effect request -> request support for multiple co-fx
- handle handle request request -> response db-handler, pure function
- do! do! effect response -> effect support for multiple fx
service long-run for request go-loop support for sync and async
schedule once/periodic e.g. init process

Design Pattern of "Homies"

Multimethod + integrant seems to be a kind of design pattern, I call it "Homies". Most machines are generated in the this way. The core of a homies is a hashmap which can contain config data, internal atom, external dependencies etc.

Life cycle of "Homies"

  • Definition period: in fancoil.base, the abstraction of a machine is defined by defmulti.

    (defmulti process
        "stateful function
        request in -> effects out
        core: inject, handle, do!"
        (fn [core method & args] method))
  • Implementation period: in fancoil.plugin, some methods of base are implemented, you can include them. Or you can use defmethod to implement them in your project. Method may call other methods of same multi-fn, as is common in handle and subscribe.

    (defmethod base/process :default
      [{:keys [do! handle inject] :as core} method req]
      (let [req (inject :ratom/db req)
            resp (handle method req)]
        (do! :do/effect resp)))
  • Runtime period: in fancoil.unit, some integrant init-key method is implemented, and integrant will inject the configuration into the machine when it initializes the system

    (defmethod ig/init-key ::process
       [_ config]
       (partial base/process config))        
    (def config 
      {::process {:handle (ig/ref ::handle)
                  :inject (ig/ref ::inject)
                  :do! (ig/ref ::do!)}
     ;; other config })


  • Separation of state: stateful dependencies are injected until last minute
  • More functions: more pure or formal functions
  • Highly configurable: flexibility to change the system structure via integrant config
  • Highly extensible: extend for existing machines via plugins. Or write new integrant unit.
  • Easy to test: use integrant to init parts of the system to do unit tests on the machine

Credits and Thanks

Other notes

  • Still in PRE-ALPHA, some API may change.
  • Request is hash-map, open. when injecting cofx, it will add namespaced key of the injector.
  • Response is hash-map, open. (do! :do/effect response) can execute effect in response, but no guarantee of order. If you need to guarantee the order, use a vector of key-value pairs, just like vector form of a hash-map.