
Bucket-ts monorepo

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Simple, consistent, strongly-typed bucket storage client


  • Consistent interface between bucket providers, with strong Typescript support
  • Simple, promise/async based API
  • Modular: only installs packages for the bucket provider you're using, won't bloat your node_modules with every single cloud provider's SDKs.
  • Local filesystem support with the same API
  • Secure secret handling: supports pulling secrets from env vars without them hitting the disk
  • Auto updated/released so that current versions of dependencies are always used


  • Support for every esoteric feature on every cloud provider. If you need to do something unusual or provider specific, use that cloud provider's client library instead.

Currently supported

  • Amazon S3 (use provider s3, bucket-ts-s3)
  • S3 compatible (use provider s3, bucket-ts-s3, tested with minio)
  • Google Cloud Storage (use provider gcs, bucket-ts-gcs)
  • Azure Blob Storage (use provider abs, bucket-ts-abs)
  • Local filesystem (use provider folder, bucket-ts-folder)


First add the core bucket-ts, then add the support for the bucket store you're wanting to use.

yarn add bucket-ts
yarn add bucket-ts-gcs # or bucket-ts-folder or bucket-ts-s3 or bucket-ts-abs

Somewhere in your code you'll need to do the following:

import bucketTs from 'bucket-ts'
import 'bucket-ts-gcs'

const bucketApi = bucketTs('gcs', { 
  bucketName: 'my-awesome-bucket-name' 
  keyFilename: `path/to/a/gcs/keyfile.json` 
await bucketApi.uploadFile('fileToUpload.txt', 'name/of/file/in/bucket.txt');

API Docs

See: https://itaylor.github.io/bucket-ts/

Github: https://github.com/itaylor/bucket-ts