
Captures the current running mocha test name and file path. Useful for certain types of logging/reporting about mocha tests.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Provides a way to get information about the currently running Mocha test, without needing to pass it from the test itself.

Why would I want this?

Yeah, it's kinda niche. You can get this information on a per-test basis from inside a mocha test with this.test. Why not just do that? Probably you're writing some sort of test reporting/logging tool. You need to know the currently running test's name and you don't want to change hundreds of test cases to pass the name of the test down with this.test.title from each and every test.

Or, you have some other process that runs alongside your tests (like puppeteer) and you need a way know what test was running when it dies or something.


You probably want this as a dev dependency, because it's testware.

yarn add --dev mocha-test-context
# or
npm install -D mocha-test-context

You then need to require mocha-test-context before running the mocha test. This can be done with the argument mocha -r mocha-test-context


const mochaTestContext = require('mocha-test-context');

describe('my suite', () => {
  it('is my test', () => {
    // ... some mocha test code here...
    // this would print:
    //{ title: 'is my test', fullTitle: 'my suite is my test', file: 'test.js' }

How does it work?

It reaches into the guts of Mocha's Runnable class and overrides the prototype to capture the data and make it avaliable.