
Proof of Concept Swift based project

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Proof of Concept Swift based project


After you clone the project, run Pod install to copy down the different dependencies


RxSwift, RxCocoa, RxAlamofire Provides support for observables and easier asynchronous call support https://github.com/ReactiveX/RxSwift

Alamofire HTTP networking support https://cocoapods.org/pods/Alamofire

SwiftyJSON Ehanced JSON handling https://github.com/SwiftyJSON/SwiftyJSON

Project Structure

This is a XCode 11 project which uses a single story board

There are two screens

Main - Displays a list of snacks and allows the user to pick the ones they want to order

Order - Allows user to review an order and submit

Mock System

There are mock files behind the service classes in the project that provide simulated communication results

SnackMock - Provides list of snacks

OrderMock - Provides simulated response to an order add

          Also returns an incremented order number


Constants - Common text entries used in the project

Setting - Means to control which Urls and settings are to be used based upon the Application Mode

        Initially set in the MainViewController didLoad event

ApplicationMode - Enum that specifies possible groupings of settings including Development, Test, Production, and Mock

Logger - Custom solution that allows log entries to be scoped at different levels including Verbose, Debug, Info, Error


Formatter - Provides a means to handle date times where seconds are missing which happens with Azure servers


Snack - Represents a food item

SnackType - kind of food (Currently Veggie and Non Veggie) by which snacks are categorized

User - Added for future use to allow customers and admin users to have secured access

UserType - Allows users to be classified with levels of access (Example: Cook who could see list of orders to fill)

Order - Food order

OrderLine - Individual food choice in an order

Result - The success or failure of a web service call returned along with associated data


Service - Low level calls for calling web services including Get, Post, and Put

ServiceProtocol - Allows a service call to be mocked and inserted into a service like OrderService for simulating calls

SnackService - Handles calls to snack (DI solution which can have Mock or Live setup in init)

SnackMock - Implements ServiceProtocol that represent return value from get snacks

OrderService - Handles calls for order (DI Solution which can have Mock or Live setup in init)

OrderMock - Implements ServiceProtocol that represent return value from add order

View Controllers

HomeController for Snacks list and choices

OrderController for Snacks selected list

View Models

SnackViewModel to display snack in tables in Order and Main controllers


Contains the UITableViewCell files for displaying custom rows in the tables for