Extra task : 23 methods, which I need to know how to write correctly without IDE.
Task 2 : Creating console game "More-Less".
You play with computer in such game: it generate random number and you should guess it.
Computer will help you writing new diapasons. It will be super interesting game for kids and adults.
Task 3 : Writing task 1(more-less game) with custom limits of random numbers.
Task 4 : Creating Electronic Notebook.
We have entity 'note' with such parameters :
- First name;
- Last name;
- Middle name;
- Nickname;
- Group(Family,Friends,Colleagues);
- Skype login;
- Home phone number;
- Mobile phone number;
- Mobile phone number 2(optional);
- Address;
- Date creating record;
- Date changing record;
Need to make Notebook with this records. Program code should include javaDOC and java code under JCC.
- Task 5 : Inheritance and Reflection API.
Variant #5. Create Parent class Matrix with determinant getter, and Child class LinearSystem, which extends Matrix and has free terms and solve linear equation system.
- Show constructors using, create some interfaces, constants of enum.
- Create annotation and use with method this one.
- Using reflection write name of class, list of interfaces, which implements class, and list of fields with types and annotations
- Make Proxy (for Immutability), which skip getters and throws exceptions on setters.
- Write Unit tests for Proxy.
- Write Proxy for mock.
Task 6: Finding non-equals elements in two arrays.
Task 7: Sorting array by quantity of elements' occurrence.
Task 8 Sorting array by quantity of elements' occurrence using Stream API.
Task 9: Creating custom ArrayList. It should contain all basic methods, implement List and works correctly. Cover all methods by unit tests.
Task 10: Creating custom LinkedList. It should contain all basic methods, implement List and works properly. Cover all methods by unit tests.
Task 11: Creating custom TreeSet. It should contain all basic methods and works properly. Cover all methods by unit tests.
Task 12: Creating custom HashMap. It should contain all basic methods and works properly. Cover all methods by unit tests.
Task 13: Test controller(from "More-Less" game, Task 1) with Mockito.
Task 14: Creating SQL queries.