- 0
Arduino IDE ver 2.3.3 compile OK but failed at Run time. Failed at nexInit()
#116 opened by TPCQitek - 0
- 1
Not really and Arduino issue
#104 opened by mocallins - 0
Filename of the exaples differs from the Foldername
#114 opened by MaBaTa - 0
Compile error in arduino IDE of the library
#113 opened by pvdw0310 - 3
Arduino Giga Problem
#111 opened by donemuhendislik - 0
FIXED unable to change picture
#112 opened by RDickens - 8
read current page id ??
#73 opened by Deltaplc - 3
Examples to old
#110 opened by ademmler - 2
Examples are out of date
#101 opened by noeldum - 5
- 18
getText does not work on text box
#59 opened by RishabhHardas - 0
set pco issues
#108 opened by TheBluem - 0
#105 opened by vicplasma - 0
Problem regarding upload example
#103 opened - 2
Nextion library contains compile errors
#102 opened by AirTobe91 - 2
Unbelievably bad library
#75 opened by RalfNDUS - 1
How to send timer id to uart?
#100 opened by noeldum - 0
subtle recvRetNumber coding error
#99 opened by sunnybank101 - 0
Read the current page nextion
#97 opened by nabilbabi - 0
- 38
getValue doesnt work
#56 opened by m50008 - 7
how to hide a nextion button with arduino code
#70 opened by raulcq01 - 1
Compatibility with Controllino
#88 opened by jonnygainz - 10
ESP32 / Nextion connection error
#68 opened by nFeno - 2
Will library be updated for Intelligent series?
#79 opened by newace150 - 1
What the role of the function nexInit() is?
#74 opened by zandam-xrn - 1
nextion setText dosent work fine in arduino esp32
#91 opened by ibisul - 0
Get_background_cropi_picc in NextButton.cpp
#81 opened by cllorens - 0
Library wastes too much memory
#87 opened by zhekaus - 1
BUG in function setValue for number object
#84 opened by 1simone0 - 0
Detecting non touch events, is it even possible?
#83 opened by bdelapen - 0
- 1
- 3
Ajust LIB ESP8266 With SDCard
#52 opened by laercionit - 3
where is file?
#51 opened by krzychoooo - 2
Can I use this library for a ESP32?
#58 opened by ABB13 - 0
long text
#72 opened by mysecondnameis - 0
- 0
Nextion and Due
#67 opened by hbadotti - 0
Change in Serial Implementation
#66 opened by khawajamechatronics - 0
NexSlider online doc is not available
#63 opened by scls19fr - 1
- 1
Dual State Issue
#54 opened by gark81 - 0
Display online documentation
#62 opened by scls19fr - 0
Inconsistent licensing
#61 opened by scls19fr - 1
Arduino sketch should be in a directory
#60 opened by scls19fr - 0
Zero - SAMD
#57 opened by gioreva - 0
Define GPIO mode constants (or enum)
#53 opened by scls19fr - 0
Publish doc to GitHub page through Travis
#50 opened by scls19fr