
A PlantUML interpreter for Apache Zeppelin

Primary LanguageJava


An zeppelin interpreter for the PlantUML.


Alice and Bot

How to build

You should clone zeppelin into your local drive. Assuming the directory is $ZEPPLIN_SRC, and your local zeppelin installation directory is $ZEPPLIN_BIN

Build Steps:

  • Clone this project into $ZEPPELIN_SRC\plantuml
  • Run mvn install in $ZEPPELIN_SRC\plantuml
  • Find $ZEPPELIN_SRC\interpreter\plantuml\ and copy the whole directory to $ZEPPELIN_BIN\interpreter\plantuml
  • Add following json to the interpreterSettings property in $ZEPPELIN_BIN\conf\interpreter.json . Or Simply delete that file, it will be re-created by zeppelin on next startup.
    "plantuml": {
      "id": "plantuml",
      "name": "plantuml",
      "group": "plantuml",
      "properties": {
        "plantuml.render.timeout.millisecs": {
          "name": "plantuml.render.timeout.millisecs",
          "value": "60000",
          "type": "number"
      "status": "READY",
      "interpreterGroup": [
          "name": "plantuml",
          "class": "org.apache.zeppelin.uml.PlantUMLInterpreter",
          "defaultInterpreter": false,
          "editor": {
            "language": "text",
            "editOnDblClick": false,
            "completionSupport": false
      "dependencies": [],
      "option": {
        "remote": true,
        "port": -1,
        "isExistingProcess": false,
        "setPermission": false,
        "owners": [],
        "isUserImpersonate": false

Test your installation


Branch/Version Matrix

zeppelin-interpreter-plantuml branch supported zeppelin version
master latest stable (0.8.0 as of Oct 10, 2018)
branch-0.8.0 0.8.0