
An open source database for art movements, painters and their paintings.

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Painter and Art Movements Database

This is a open source database for painters, art movements and paintings that have been collected from the Internet.

You can import the database into MySQL in the following way:

~$ git clone https://github.com/itemir/painter_database
~$ cd painter_database
~/painter_database$ mysqladmin -u root -p create painters
Enter password:
~/painter_database$ mysql -u root -p painters < painter_database.sql
Enter password:
~/painter_database$ mysql -u root -p
Enter password:
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mysql> use painters;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A

Database changed
| Tables_in_painters     |
| art_movements          |
| painters               |
| painters_art_movements |
| paintings              |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)


There are 68 art movements, 263 painters and 2146 paintings in the database:

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM painters;
| COUNT(*) |
|      263 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM paintings;
| COUNT(*) |
|     2146 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM art_movements;
| COUNT(*) |
|       68 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)


You can query painters/artists and their paintings. Painting names are not populated (welcome to do so and submit pull requests).

mysql> SELECT * FROM painters WHERE LOWER(name) LIKE '%van gogh%';
| id  | name             | url                                           |
| 265 | Vincent van Gogh | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vincent_van_Gogh |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT COUNT(*) FROM paintings WHERE painter_id=265;
| COUNT(*) |
|       32 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

mysql> SELECT * FROM paintings WHERE painter_id=265 LIMIT 3;
| id   | name | url                                                                                                            | painter_id |
| 1869 |      | http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a8/Van_Gogh_Self-Portrait_with_Straw_Hat_1887-Metropolitan.jpg |        265 |
| 1870 |      | http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b1/Van-willem-vincent-gogh-die-kartoffelesser-03850.jpg        |        265 |
| 1871 |      | http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/84/Skull_with_a_Burning_Cigarette.jpg                          |        265 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)


You can also write more complex queries using JOINs and find painters associated with different art movements. Note that associations between painters and art movements are pretty loose.

mysql> SELECT art_movements.name, painters.name FROM painters
    -> INNER JOIN painters_art_movements ON painters.id=painters_art_movements.painter_id
    -> INNER JOIN art_movements ON art_movements.id=painters_art_movements.movement_id
    -> WHERE art_movements.name="Impressionism";
| name          | name                      |
| Impressionism | Albert Gleizes            |
| Impressionism | Alfred Sisley             |
| Impressionism | Berthe Morisot            |
| Impressionism | Camille Pissarro          |
| Impressionism | Childe Hassam             |
| Impressionism | Claude Monet              |
| Impressionism | Edgar Degas               |
| Impressionism | Eugène Boudin             |
| Impressionism | Frederick McCubbin        |
| Impressionism | Henri Matisse             |
| Impressionism | John Henry Twachtman      |
| Impressionism | Mary Cassatt              |
| Impressionism | Paul Cézanne              |
| Impressionism | Pierre Puvis de Chavannes |
| Impressionism | Pierre-Auguste Renoir     |
| Impressionism | Raoul Dufy                |
| Impressionism | Theodore Robinson         |
| Impressionism | Valentin Serov            |
| Impressionism | Édouard Manet             |
19 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Here is a full list of painters and number of paintings captured for each:

mysql> SELECT painters.name, COUNT(paintings.id) FROM painters
    -> INNER JOIN paintings ON painters.id=paintings.painter_id
    -> GROUP BY painters.name;
| name                             | COUNT(paintings.id) |
| Ad Reinhardt                     |                   7 |
| Agnes Martin                     |                   3 |
| Albert Bierstadt                 |                   8 |
| Albert Gleizes                   |                  12 |
| Albert Marquet                   |                   7 |
| Albert Pinkham Ryder             |                   9 |
| Albrecht Dürer                   |                   9 |
| Aleksander Balos                 |                   2 |
| Alex Katz                        |                   7 |
| Alexej von Jawlensky             |                  11 |
| Alfred Henry Maurer              |                   4 |
| Alfred Sisley                    |                  16 |
| Amedeo Modigliani                |                  14 |
| André Masson                     |                   2 |
| Andrea Mantegna                  |                   8 |
| Andrew Wyeth                     |                   6 |
| Angelica Kauffman                |                  10 |
| Anthony van Dyck                 |                  16 |
| Antoine Watteau                  |                   7 |
| Antoine-Jean Gros                |                   6 |
| Arnold Böcklin                   |                   9 |
| Arshile Gorky                    |                   5 |
| Artemisia Gentileschi            |                   5 |
| Arthur Dove                      |                   7 |
| Arthur Streeton                  |                   5 |
| August Macke                     |                   7 |
| Bahram Alivandi                  |                   3 |
| Balthus                          |                   2 |
| Barnett Newman                   |                   2 |
| Ben Shahn                        |                   2 |
| Berthe Morisot                   |                  15 |
| Bradley Walker Tomlin            |                   6 |
| Brice Marden                     |                   3 |
| Bridget Riley                    |                   3 |
| Camille Pissarro                 |                  31 |
| Caravaggio                       |                  18 |
| Caspar David Friedrich           |                  11 |
| Chaim Soutine                    |                   7 |
| Charles Camoin                   |                  10 |
| Charles Conder                   |                   5 |
| Charles Demuth                   |                  12 |
| Childe Hassam                    |                   9 |
| Claude Lorrain                   |                   6 |
| Claude Monet                     |                  48 |
| Clyfford Still                   |                   5 |
| Conrad Marca-Relli               |                   6 |
| Cy Twombly                       |                   6 |
| David Alfaro Siqueiros           |                   4 |
| Diego Rivera                     |                  33 |
| Diego Velázquez                  |                  12 |
| Edgar Degas                      |                  33 |
| Édouard Manet                    |                  40 |
| Edvard Munch                     |                  41 |
| Edward Hopper                    |                  10 |
| Egon Schiele                     |                  24 |
| El Greco                         |                   9 |
| Ellsworth Kelly                  |                   8 |
| Emil Nolde                       |                   4 |
| Eric Fischl                      |                   9 |
| Erich Heckel                     |                   2 |
| Ernst Ludwig Kirchner            |                  20 |
| Esteban Vicente                  |                   9 |
| Eugène Boudin                    |                   7 |
| Eugène Delacroix                 |                  31 |
| Fairfield Porter                 |                  11 |
| Félicien Rops                    |                   8 |
| Fernand Léger                    |                   9 |
| Filippo Lippi                    |                   4 |
| Fra Angelico                     |                   5 |
| Francis Bacon                    |                   6 |
| Francis Hayman                   |                   4 |
| Francis Picabia                  |                   9 |
| Francisco Goya                   |                   8 |
| François Boucher                 |                  10 |
| Frank Auerbach                   |                   5 |
| Frank Stella                     |                   6 |
| Frans Hals                       |                  23 |
| František Kupka                  |                   3 |
| Franz Kline                      |                   7 |
| Franz Marc                       |                   8 |
| Frederic Edwin Church            |                  10 |
| Frederick McCubbin               |                   5 |
| Frida Kahlo                      |                   9 |
| Friedel Dzubas                   |                   9 |
| Fritz Bleyl                      |                   1 |
| Gabriele Münter                  |                   9 |
| Gene Davis                       |                   4 |
| George Bellows                   |                  24 |
| George Grosz                     |                   5 |
| George Tooker                    |                   4 |
| Georges Braque                   |                   8 |
| Georges Mathieu                  |                   6 |
| Georges Rouault                  |                   7 |
| Georges Seurat                   |                  14 |
| Georgia O'Keeffe                 |                   4 |
| Gino Severini                    |                   8 |
| Giorgio de Chirico               |                   4 |
| Giorgio Morandi                  |                   8 |
| Giorgione                        |                  14 |
| Giovanni Battista Tiepolo        |                   4 |
| Giovanni Bellini                 |                  11 |
| Grace Hartigan                   |                   3 |
| Grant Wood                       |                   7 |
| Gustav Klimt                     |                  16 |
| Gustave Courbet                  |                  29 |
| Gustave Moreau                   |                   7 |
| Hans Hofmann                     |                   7 |
| Hans Holbein the Younger         |                  15 |
| Hans Richter                     |                   7 |
| Hedda Sterne                     |                   6 |
| Helen Frankenthaler              |                  12 |
| Henri Fantin-Latour              |                  21 |
| Henri Matisse                    |                  26 |
| Henri Rousseau                   |                  19 |
| Hieronymus Bosch                 |                   6 |
| Hilma af Klint                   |                   6 |
| Ilya Repin                       |                   6 |
| Ivan Aivazovsky                  |                  13 |
| J. M. W. Turner                  |                  10 |
| Jack Tworkov                     |                  11 |
| Jackson Pollock                  |                   2 |
| Jacques-Louis David              |                  32 |
| James Abbott McNeill Whistler    |                   7 |
| James Brooks                     |                   6 |
| James Ensor                      |                   4 |
| Jan Toorop                       |                   5 |
| Jan van Eyck                     |                   4 |
| Jasper Johns                     |                   4 |
| Jean Arp                         |                   1 |
| Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres    |                  18 |
| Jean Dubuffet                    |                   5 |
| Jean Metzinger                   |                  16 |
| Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot      |                   6 |
| Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin     |                   4 |
| Jean-Honoré Fragonard            |                  12 |
| Jean-Michel Basquiat             |                   2 |
| Jim Dine                         |                   2 |
| Jimmy Baker                      |                  10 |
| Jimmy Ernst                      |                   5 |
| Joan Miró                        |                   5 |
| Joan Mitchell                    |                   6 |
| Joaquín Torres García            |                   2 |
| Johannes Vermeer                 |                   6 |
| John Constable                   |                   8 |
| John Frederick Kensett           |                   7 |
| John Henry Twachtman             |                   4 |
| John Marin                       |                   1 |
| John Singer Sargent              |                  16 |
| John Singleton Copley            |                  11 |
| John Steuart Curry               |                   3 |
| Jorge Azar                       |                   2 |
| José Clemente Orozco             |                   5 |
| Josef Albers                     |                   5 |
| Joshua Reynolds                  |                  18 |
| Juan Gris                        |                  12 |
| Jusepe de Ribera                 |                   6 |
| Karl Bryullov                    |                   2 |
| Karl Schmidt-Rottluff            |                   5 |
| Käthe Kollwitz                   |                   9 |
| Katrin Alvarez                   |                   4 |
| Kay Sage                         |                   5 |
| Kazimir Malevich                 |                   4 |
| Kees van Dongen                  |                   1 |
| Kenneth Noland                   |                   2 |
| Kurt Schwitters                  |                   4 |
| Larry Poons                      |                   1 |
| Larry Zox                        |                   5 |
| Leonardo da Vinci                |                   8 |
| Leonora Carrington               |                   5 |
| Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun   |                   9 |
| Lucian Freud                     |                   4 |
| Lyonel Feininger                 |                   3 |
| Man Ray                          |                   2 |
| Marc Chagall                     |                  11 |
| Marcel Duchamp                   |                   4 |
| Marianne von Werefkin            |                   1 |
| Mariano Akerman                  |                   4 |
| Mark Rothko                      |                   4 |
| Mark Tobey                       |                   2 |
| Marsden Hartley                  |                   5 |
| Marshall P. Baron                |                   3 |
| Mary Cassatt                     |                  20 |
| Masaccio                         |                   3 |
| Maurice de Vlaminck              |                   1 |
| Maurice Quentin de La Tour       |                   8 |
| Max Beckmann                     |                   2 |
| Max Ernst                        |                   2 |
| Max Pechstein                    |                   1 |
| Michelangelo                     |                   6 |
| Mikhail Vrubel                   |                   9 |
| Milton Avery                     |                   1 |
| Milton Resnick                   |                   1 |
| Morgan Russell                   |                   5 |
| Morris Louis                     |                   1 |
| Morten Andersen                  |                   6 |
| Nicolas Poussin                  |                  14 |
| Odilon Redon                     |                  14 |
| Oskar Kokoschka                  |                   2 |
| Othon Friesz                     |                   2 |
| Otto Dix                         |                   5 |
| Otto Mueller                     |                   7 |
| Pablo Picasso                    |                  21 |
| Paolo Uccello                    |                   4 |
| Patrick Henry Bruce              |                  11 |
| Paul Cézanne                     |                  14 |
| Paul Gauguin                     |                  19 |
| Paul Klee                        |                  13 |
| Pedro Nel Gómez                  |                   1 |
| Peter Paul Rubens                |                  12 |
| Philip Guston                    |                   1 |
| Piero della Francesca            |                   5 |
| Pierre Bonnard                   |                   5 |
| Pierre Puvis de Chavannes        |                   8 |
| Pierre-Auguste Renoir            |                   8 |
| Piet Mondrian                    |                   4 |
| Pieter Bruegel the Elder         |                   6 |
| Raoul Dufy                       |                   7 |
| Raphael                          |                  12 |
| Rembrandt                        |                   9 |
| Remedios Varo                    |                   7 |
| René Magritte                    |                   8 |
| Richard Anuszkiewicz             |                   2 |
| Richard Diebenkorn               |                   7 |
| Richard Estes                    |                   4 |
| Richard Pousette-Dart            |                   1 |
| Richard Tuttle                   |                   1 |
| Robert Campin                    |                   4 |
| Robert Delaunay                  |                  10 |
| Robert Motherwell                |                   1 |
| Robert Rauschenberg              |                   4 |
| Rogier van der Weyden            |                   4 |
| Ronald Davis                     |                   1 |
| Ronnie Landfield                 |                   5 |
| Salvador Dalí                    |                  10 |
| Salvator Rosa                    |                   4 |
| Sam Francis                      |                   1 |
| Sandro Botticelli                |                   4 |
| Santiago Martínez Delgado        |                   2 |
| Serge Poliakoff                  |                   1 |
| Sonia Delaunay                   |                   6 |
| Stanton Macdonald-Wright         |                   1 |
| Stuart Davis                     |                   1 |
| Susan Rothenberg                 |                   1 |
| Theo van Doesburg                |                   1 |
| Théodore Géricault               |                   9 |
| Theodore Robinson                |                   7 |
| Thomas Cole                      |                  18 |
| Thomas Eakins                    |                   7 |
| Thomas Gainsborough              |                  11 |
| Thomas Hart Benton               |                   5 |
| Thomas Moran                     |                   5 |
| Tintoretto                       |                   6 |
| Titian                           |                   8 |
| Tom Wesselmann                   |                   2 |
| Valentin Serov                   |                  15 |
| Vincent van Gogh                 |                  32 |
| Wassily Kandinsky                |                  11 |
| Willem de Kooning                |                   2 |
| William Baziotes                 |                   1 |
| William Hogarth                  |                  14 |
| Winslow Homer                    |                  22 |
| Yves Tanguy                      |                   6 |
| Zdzisław Beksiński               |                   6 |
263 rows in set (0.01 sec)
