- String interpolation and literals
- Pattern matching
- Null safety
- Nullable value types (C#2)
- Object construction
- Object initializers (C#3)
- Anonymous
- Auto properties (C#6)
- Expression bodied readonly properties (C#7)
- Tuples (C#7)
- init accessor (C#9)
- required properties (C#11)
- Primary constructors (C#12)
- field backed properties (C#13)
- Records and immutability
- Records (C#9)
- Record structs (C#10)
- Collections
- Collection initializers (C#3)
- Implicit indexers in Object initializers (C#13)
- Params collection (C#13)
- Concurrency
- Other
- Anonymous functions (C#2)
- Lambda expressions (C#3)
- partial members (C#3)
- Exception handlers => (when) (C#6)
- default literal (C#7)
- Interface default methods (C#8)
- file scoped namespace and using declarations (C#10)