PowerShell script to git add, diff, reset, etc files with fabricated indexes.
See the itenium blog for a more detailed explanation.
PowerShell Gallery
Install-Module -Name Git-NumberedAdd
Running Tests
Install-Module -Name Pester -Force -SkipPublisherCheck
Install-Module PestWatch
# Run all & watch
# Run a single "Describe" test suite
Invoke-Pester -TestName "Parse-GitStatus"
# Run matching files
Invoke-Pester ./tests/Parse-GitStatus*
# Run CI
Invoke-Pester -PassThru
Use Write-Host
to log something inside a test.
Available actions
# Display all actions with description and alias
Git-NumberedHelp # alias: gnh
# Start with
Git-NumberedStatus # Alias: gs
# to see the git status -s with added indexes
# Use `gs -u` to see all added files in new directories
# And continue with
Git-NumberedAdd # Alias: ga
Git-NumberedAddPatch # Alias: gap
Git-NumberedDiff # Alias: gd
Git-NumberedDiffCached # Alias: gdc
Git-NumberedCheckout # Alias: gco
# Already staged files can be
# git reset HEAD with
Git-NumberedReset # Alias: grs
# Get a filename by index
Git-GetFileNameByIndex 5 # Alias: gn
# Deleting a file by index
rm (gn 2)
# Push-Location
Git-NumberedSetLocation # Alias: gsl
# Use Pop-Location (alias: popd) to go back to where you came from
# git update-index --assume-unchanged
Git-NumberedAssumed # alias: gas
Accepted argument values for matching indexes
# Stage files 0, 1 and 3
Git-NumberedAdd 0 1 3
# The spaces are optional, but only when there
# are less than 10 files in the status report.
Git-NumberedDiff 013
# Checkout files 2 to 5 (all inclusive)
Git-NumberedCheckout 2-5
# Display diff for files 0, 1 and 2
Git-NumberedDiff -3
# Stage all files after (not inclusive)
Git-NumberedAdd +3
# Combine as you like
Git-NumberedAdd -3 5 6 8-9
# Add & Commit
Git-NumberedAdd 0 1 3 "commit message"
Unassume files back again after Git-NumberedAssumed
(alias: gas)
# List all currently assumed files
Git-ListAssumed # alias: gasl
# and follow with:
# git update-index --no-assume-unchanged
Git-NumberedUnassumed # alias: gnoas
Also for --skip-worktree
with Git-NumberedHidden
(alias: ghide)
# List all currently hidden files
Git-ListHidden # alias: glh
# git update-index --no-skip-worktree
Git-NumberedUnhidden # alias: gunhide
Publish-Module -Path .\ -NuGetApiKey key