
Path with spaces: incorrect quoting when on git root path

Laoujin opened this issue · 1 comments

Network drive + quoted path
(possibly the network drive is not really relevant)

> gs
Working directory:
  0  M       "a file with spaces"

> ga 0
fatal: \\some network path"a file with spaces" is outside repository
  • It's prepending the path root but not quoting it
  • It's appending the file with spaces incorrectly (no \, incorrect quoting)
C:\Users\Wouter\Dropbox\itenium [master ↓1 ↑2 +0 ~2 -0 !]> gs
Working directory:
  0  M         "XXimo kilometerstand ingave.docx"
  1  M  +- --  itenium-onkosten-template.docx
C:\Users\Wouter\Dropbox\itenium [master ↓1 ↑2 +0 ~2 -0 !]> ga 0
fatal: C:\Users\Wouter\Dropbox\itenium"XXimo kilometerstand ingave.docx": 'C:\Users\Wouter\Dropbox\itenium"XXimo kilometerstand ingave.docx"' is outside repository