
A python script to organize files in a directory based on user-defined grouping options.

Primary LanguagePython


This Python script provides a convenient way to organize files in a directory based on user-defined grouping options. It offers two main grouping options:

  • grouping files by the first alphabetical letter of their filenames (-a option).
  • grouping files by their file extensions (-x option).

The script allows users to specify a target directory or defaults to the current directory if none is provided. Additionally, it provides a help option (-h or --help) to display usage instructions.

    Usage: clean_dir.py [OPTION] [PATH (absolute)]

    Group files in the specified directory (PATH) or the current directory if no directory is provided, based on the chosen grouping OPTION.

        -a          Group files based on their first alphabetical letter.
        -h, --help  Display this help 
        -x          Group files based on their extension.