
Docker image to use passwordstore.

Primary LanguageShell


This is an image to use passwordstore as a command line tool to decrypt passwords from a store.

It can be used in contexts of automation, like CI Pipelines.

To read/decrypt a password from the store one can use the image/container like an executable:

    docker run \
        -v </path/to/local/.password-store>:/root/.password-store \
        -v </path/to/private/gpg_key.asc>:/tmp/key.asc \
        -e PASSPHRASE=<passphrase_of_key> \
        -e KEY_ENCRYPTED=<true|false> \
        iteratec/passwordstore <name_of_password_to_decrypt>

The gpg private key can be exported via

    gpg2 --export-secret-key -o gpg_key.asc <ID_of_your_key>

The container decrypts a symmetrically encrypted key before it uses it if one sets env variable KEY_ENCRYPTED=true. It uses given passphrase to decrypt key.