
A collection of self-contained fsspec-based filesystems

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


PyPI Status Python Version License

Tests Codecov pre-commit Black


morefs provides standalone fsspec-based filesystems like:

  • AsyncLocalFileSystem that provides async implementation of LocalFileSystem.
  • In-memory filesystems DictFileSystem built on nested dictionaries and MemFS built on tries, and are much faster than fsspec's MemoryFileSystem.
  • OverlayFileSystem that allows to overlay multiple fsspec-based filesystems.


You can install morefs via pip from PyPI:

$ pip install morefs

You might need to install with extras for some filesystems:

$ pip install morefs[asynclocal]  # for installing aiofile dependency for AsyncLocalFileSystem
$ pip install morefs[memfs]  # for installing pygtrie dependency for MemFS



Extended version of LocalFileSystem that also provides async methods.

import asyncio
from morefs.asyn_local import AsyncLocalFileSystem

async def main():
    fs = AsyncLocalFileSystem(auto_mkdir=False)

    f = await fs.open_async("foo", mode="w")
    async with f:
        await f.write("foobar")

    content = await fs._cat("foo")
    print(fs.cat("foo"))  # you can still use sync methods



DictFS is a nested dictionary-based, in-memory filesystem and acts more like a real LocalFileSystem.

from morefs.dict import filesystem

fs = DictFS()


MemFS is a trie-based in-memory filesystem, and acts like a bucket storage.

from morefs.memory import MemFS

fs = MemFS()


from morefs.overlay import OverlayFileSystem

# use localfilesystem for write, overlay all filesystems for read
fs = OverlayFileSystem(file={"auto_mkdir": True}, s3={"anon": True})
# or you can pass filesystem instances directly
# as variable positional arguments or with keyword argument `filesystems=[]`
fs = OverlayFileSystem(LocalFileSystem(), s3={"anon": True})


Contributions are very welcome. To learn more, see the Contributor Guide.


Distributed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license, morefs is free and open source software.


If you encounter any problems, please file an issue along with a detailed description.