Ploigos Jenkins Library

Library of Jenkins domain specific language implementation of the Ploigos workflows.


Documentation on the different ways this repository can be used.


If your organization has decided to use the TSSC workflow as defined and has connectivity to Github then your organization can setup your Jenkinsfiles to directly reference the workflows defined in this project.

⚠️ WARNING When referencing this project directly always be sure to reference a tag of this project and not the main branch. As the TSSC workflow changes in definition the main branch of this project will update and could cause breaking changes to your organizations workflows if your configuration files are not updated to match the new changes.


If your organization has defined its own derivative of the TSSC workflow then this repository could be used as reference to create your organizations own Jenkins library project similarly defined with different steps and/or order to steps while still using the Ploigos Step Runner (psr).

Internal Fork

If your organization operates in a connection disadvantaged environment then you could internally fork this repository into your network.

It is suggested that your organization sets up a way to monitor this repository for new releases and update your internal fork and referencing projects accordingly.

It is requested that if you find any bugs or make any enhancements in your internal fork that would be applicable to a wider audience that you do a merge request against this repository so the wide community can benefit.


Documentation on the workflow implementations, aka pipelines, provided in this repository.

Minimal (ploigosWorkflowMinimal)

Implements the Minimal Ploigos Workflow. The Minimal workflow is the minimal amount of steps needed to build a container and deploy it. The only step that isn't strictly "required" is the report step at the end.

This is a good place to start, get this working for your application, then add in steps from the Everything workflow as needed by your team.


Parameter Default Description
verbose 'false' log any *sh commands used during execution
stepRunnerConfigDir '' Path to the Step Runner configuration to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running workflow steps.
pgpKeysSecretName Name of the Kubernetes Secret containing the PGP private keys to import for use by SOPS to decrypt encrypted Step Runner config.
envNameDev 'DEV' Name of the "Development" environment used in the Step Runner configuration files and to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running a step targeted to the "Development" environment.
envNameTest 'TEST' Name of the "Test" environment used in the Step Runner configuration files and to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running a step targeted to the "Test" environment.
envNameProd 'PROD' Name of the "Production" environment used in the Step Runner configuration files and to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running a step targeted to the "Production" environment.
ciOnlyGitRefPatterns ['^$'] Regex pattern for git references that should only go through the Continues Integration (CI) workflow.
devGitRefPatterns ['^feature/.+$', '^PR-.+$'] Regex pattern for git references that should go through the Continues Integration (CI) workflow and then the deployment to "Development" environment(s) (IE: "DEV" environment) workflow.
releaseGitRefPatterns ['^main$'] Regex pattern for git references that should go through the Continues Integration (CI) workflow and then the deployment to "Release" environment(s) (IE: "TEST" and then "PROD" environments) workflow.
stepRunnerPackageName 'ploigos-step-runner' Name of the python package to use as the Workflow Step Runner.
stepRunnerUpdateLibrary false If 'true', then pull the Workflow Step Runner library source code and build it.
If 'false', use the version of the Workflow Step Runner library that is pre-installed in the CI worker images.

If 'false' then the following parameters are ignored:
  • stepRunnerLibSourceUrl
  • stepRunnerLibIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibVersion
stepRunnerLibIndexUrl '' If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as '--index-url' for installing the Workflow Step Runner library and its dependencies.

NOTE: PIP is indeterminate whether it will pull packages from --index-url or --extra-index-url, therefor be sure to specify stepRunnerLibVersion if trying to pull a specific version from a specific index.

stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl '' If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as '--extra-index-url' for installing the Workflow Step Runner library and its dependencies.

NOTE: PIP is indeterminate whether it will pull packages from --index-url or --extra-index-url, therefor be sure to specify stepRunnerLibVersion if trying to pull a specific version from a specific index.

stepRunnerLibVersion If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as as the version of the Workflow Step Runner library to install.

NOTE: If not given pip will install the latest from either stepRunnerLibIndexUrl or stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl indeterminately.
stepRunnerLibSourceUrl If none empty value given and stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true this will be used as the source location to install the Workflow Step Runner library from rather then from a PEP 503 compliant repository.

If given then the following parameters are ignored:
  • stepRunnerLibIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibVersion

  • git+ installs from the public 'ploigos' fork from the 'feature/NAPSSPO-1018' branch.
  • git+ installs from an internal fork of the step runner library from the 'main' branch.
stepRunnerLibSourceGitTLSNoVerify false If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is specified this value determines whether to verify the Git TLS when checking out the step runner library source for installation.
workflowWorkersImagePullPolicy 'IfNotPresent' Policy for pulling new versions of the imageTag for the CI worker images when running this pipeline.
workflowWorkerImageDefault 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when no other specific container image has been specified for that step.
workflowWorkerImagePackage Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing package application step(s).
workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing container operations (build/push/etc) step(s).
workflowWorkerImageDeploy 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-argocd:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing deploy step(s).
workflowServiceAccountName 'jenkins' Kubernetes ServiceAccount that the Jenkins Worker Kubernetes Pod should be deployed with.

IMPORTANT: This Kubernetes ServiceAccount needs to have access (via RoleBinding to Role) to a SecurityContextConstraints that can use the SETUID and SETGID capabilities for building container images within a container running rootless with a random UID.
trustedCABundleConfigMapName Name of the ConfigMap to mount as a trusted CA Bundle.
Useful for when interacting with external services signed by an internal CA.
If not specified then ignored.
separatePlatformConfig false Flag indicating that platform-level configuration is separated from app-level configuration, instead provided by way of the following Kubernetes objects, which are mounted into the agent Pod:
  • A ConfigMap named ploigos-platform-config
  • A Secret named ploigos-platform-config-secrets


Use Ploigos Step Runner from embedded binary

NOTE: Assumes container platform is configured with container image search path that can find the Ploigos workflow worker images by short name. EX, is on the container image search path.

// Load the Ploigos Jenkins Library
library identifier: 'ploigos-jenkins-library@v1.0.0',
retriever: modernSCM([
    $class: 'GitSCMSource',
    remote: ''

// run the pipeline
    stepRunnerConfigDir: 'cicd/ploigos-step-runner-config/',
    pgpKeysSecretName: 'pgp-keys-ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowServiceAccountName: 'ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowWorkerImageDefault: 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImagePackage: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageDeploy: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-argocd:v1.0.0'

Use Ploigos Step Runner from source

NOTE: Assumes container platform is configured with container image search path that can find the Ploigos workflow worker images by short name. EX, is on the container image search path.

// Load the Ploigos Jenkins Library
library identifier: 'ploigos-jenkins-library@v1.0.0',
retriever: modernSCM([
    $class: 'GitSCMSource',
    remote: ''

// run the pipeline
    stepRunnerConfigDir: 'cicd/ploigos-step-runner-config/',
    pgpKeysSecretName: 'pgp-keys-ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowServiceAccountName: 'ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowWorkerImageDefault: 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImagePackage: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageDeploy: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-argocd:v1.0.0',

    stepRunnerUpdateLibrary: true,
    stepRunnerLibSourceUrl: "git+"

Typical (ploigosWorkflowTypical)

Implements the Typical Ploigos Workflow. The Typical workflow has the steps applicable to most teams most of the time.

The Typical workflow is a good "first" goal after getting the Minimal workflow working for your team.


Parameter Default Description
verbose 'false' log any *sh commands used during execution
stepRunnerConfigDir '' Path to the Step Runner configuration to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running workflow steps.
pgpKeysSecretName Name of the Kubernetes Secret containing the PGP private keys to import for use by SOPS to decrypt encrypted Step Runner config.
envNameDev 'DEV' Name of the "Development" environment used in the Step Runner configuration files and to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running a step targeted to the "Development" environment.
envNameTest 'TEST' Name of the "Test" environment used in the Step Runner configuration files and to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running a step targeted to the "Test" environment.
envNameProd 'PROD' Name of the "Production" environment used in the Step Runner configuration files and to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running a step targeted to the "Production" environment.
ciOnlyGitRefPatterns ['^$'] Regex pattern for git references that should only go through the Continues Integration (CI) workflow.
devGitRefPatterns ['^feature/.+$', '^PR-.+$'] Regex pattern for git references that should go through the Continues Integration (CI) workflow and then the deployment to "Development" environment(s) (IE: "DEV" environment) workflow.
releaseGitRefPatterns ['^main$'] Regex pattern for git references that should go through the Continues Integration (CI) workflow and then the deployment to "Release" environment(s) (IE: "TEST" and then "PROD" environments) workflow.
stepRunnerPackageName 'ploigos-step-runner' Name of the python package to use as the Workflow Step Runner.
stepRunnerUpdateLibrary false If 'true', then pull the Workflow Step Runner library source code and build it.
If 'false', use the version of the Workflow Step Runner library that is pre-installed in the CI worker images.

If 'false' then the following parameters are ignored:
  • stepRunnerLibSourceUrl
  • stepRunnerLibIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibVersion
stepRunnerLibIndexUrl '' If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as '--index-url' for installing the Workflow Step Runner library and its dependencies.

NOTE: PIP is indeterminate whether it will pull packages from --index-url or --extra-index-url, therefor be sure to specify stepRunnerLibVersion if trying to pull a specific version from a specific index.

stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl '' If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as '--extra-index-url' for installing the Workflow Step Runner library and its dependencies.

NOTE: PIP is indeterminate whether it will pull packages from --index-url or --extra-index-url, therefor be sure to specify stepRunnerLibVersion if trying to pull a specific version from a specific index.

stepRunnerLibVersion If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as as the version of the Workflow Step Runner library to install.

NOTE: If not given pip will install the latest from either stepRunnerLibIndexUrl or stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl indeterminately.
stepRunnerLibSourceUrl If none empty value given and stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true this will be used as the source location to install the Workflow Step Runner library from rather then from a PEP 503 compliant repository.

If given then the following parameters are ignored:
  • stepRunnerLibIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibVersion

  • git+ installs from the public 'ploigos' fork from the 'feature/NAPSSPO-1018' branch.
  • git+ installs from an internal fork of the step runner library from the 'main' branch.
stepRunnerLibSourceGitTLSNoVerify false If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is specified this value determines whether to verify the Git TLS when checking out the step runner library source for installation.
workflowWorkersImagePullPolicy 'IfNotPresent' Policy for pulling new versions of the imageTag for the CI worker images when running this pipeline.
workflowWorkerImageDefault 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when no other specific container image has been specified for that step.
workflowWorkerImageUnitTest Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing unit test step(s).
workflowWorkerImagePackage Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing package application step(s).
workflowWorkerImageStaticCodeAnalysis Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing static code analysis step(s).
workflowWorkerImagePushArtifacts Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing push push packaged artifacts step(s).
workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing container operations (build/push/etc) step(s).
workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticVulnerabilityScan 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing container image static vulnerability scan step(s).
workflowWorkerImageDeploy 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-argocd:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing deploy step(s).
workflowWorkerImageUAT Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing user acceptance tests (UAT) step(s).
workflowServiceAccountName 'jenkins' Kubernetes ServiceAccount that the Jenkins Worker Kubernetes Pod should be deployed with.

IMPORTANT: This Kubernetes ServiceAccount needs to have access (via RoleBinding to Role) to a SecurityContextConstraints that can use the SETUID and SETGID capabilities for building container images within a container running rootless with a random UID.
trustedCABundleConfigMapName Name of the ConfigMap to mount as a trusted CA Bundle.
Useful for when interacting with external services signed by an internal CA.
If not specified then ignored.
separatePlatformConfig false Flag indicating that platform-level configuration is separated from app-level configuration, instead provided by way of the following Kubernetes objects, which are mounted into the agent Pod:
  • A ConfigMap named ploigos-platform-config
  • A Secret named ploigos-platform-config-secrets


Use Ploigos Step Runner from embedded binary

NOTE: Assumes container platform is configured with container image search path that can find the Ploigos workflow worker images by short name. EX, is on the container image search path.

// Load the Ploigos Jenkins Library
library identifier: 'ploigos-jenkins-library@v1.0.0',
retriever: modernSCM([
    $class: 'GitSCMSource',
    remote: ''

// run the pipeline
    stepRunnerConfigDir: 'cicd/ploigos-step-runner-config/',
    pgpKeysSecretName: 'pgp-keys-ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowServiceAccountName: 'ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowWorkerImageDefault: 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageUnitTest: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImagePackage: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageStaticCodeAnalysis: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-sonar:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImagePushArtifacts: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticVulnerabilityScan: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageDeploy: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-argocd:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageUAT: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0'

Use Ploigos Step Runner from source

NOTE: Assumes container platform is configured with container image search path that can find the Ploigos workflow worker images by short name. EX, is on the container image search path.

// Load the Ploigos Jenkins Library
library identifier: 'ploigos-jenkins-library@v1.0.0',
retriever: modernSCM([
    $class: 'GitSCMSource',
    remote: ''

// run the pipeline
    stepRunnerConfigDir: 'cicd/ploigos-step-runner-config/',
    pgpKeysSecretName: 'pgp-keys-ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowServiceAccountName: 'ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowWorkerImageDefault: 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageUnitTest: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImagePackage: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageStaticCodeAnalysis: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-sonar:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImagePushArtifacts: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticVulnerabilityScan: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageDeploy: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-argocd:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageUAT: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',

    stepRunnerUpdateLibrary: true,
    stepRunnerLibSourceUrl: "git+"

Everything (ploigosWorkflowEverything)

Implements the Everything Ploigos Workflow. The Everything workflow has every possible step implemented by Plogios, and hopefully that you can imagine.

This will typically be more then a team is needed but makes a good reference for the realm of the possible. Recommended to start with the Minimal workflow and then copy steps out of this workflow as needed by your team.


Parameter Default Description
verbose 'false' log any *sh commands used during execution
stepRunnerConfigDir '' Path to the Step Runner configuration to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running workflow steps.
pgpKeysSecretName Name of the Kubernetes Secret containing the PGP private keys to import for use by SOPS to decrypt encrypted Step Runner config.
envNameDev 'DEV' Name of the "Development" environment used in the Step Runner configuration files and to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running a step targeted to the "Development" environment.
envNameTest 'TEST' Name of the "Test" environment used in the Step Runner configuration files and to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running a step targeted to the "Test" environment.
envNameProd 'PROD' Name of the "Production" environment used in the Step Runner configuration files and to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running a step targeted to the "Production" environment.
ciOnlyGitRefPatterns ['^$'] Regex pattern for git references that should only go through the Continues Integration (CI) workflow.
devGitRefPatterns ['^feature/.+$', '^PR-.+$'] Regex pattern for git references that should go through the Continues Integration (CI) workflow and then the deployment to "Development" environment(s) (IE: "DEV" environment) workflow.
releaseGitRefPatterns ['^main$'] Regex pattern for git references that should go through the Continues Integration (CI) workflow and then the deployment to "Release" environment(s) (IE: "TEST" and then "PROD" environments) workflow.
stepRunnerPackageName 'ploigos-step-runner' Name of the python package to use as the Workflow Step Runner.
stepRunnerUpdateLibrary false If 'true', then pull the Workflow Step Runner library source code and build it.
If 'false', use the version of the Workflow Step Runner library that is pre-installed in the CI worker images.

If 'false' then the following parameters are ignored:
  • stepRunnerLibSourceUrl
  • stepRunnerLibIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibVersion
stepRunnerLibIndexUrl '' If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as '--index-url' for installing the Workflow Step Runner library and its dependencies.

NOTE: PIP is indeterminate whether it will pull packages from --index-url or --extra-index-url, therefor be sure to specify stepRunnerLibVersion if trying to pull a specific version from a specific index.

stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl '' If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as '--extra-index-url' for installing the Workflow Step Runner library and its dependencies.

NOTE: PIP is indeterminate whether it will pull packages from --index-url or --extra-index-url, therefor be sure to specify stepRunnerLibVersion if trying to pull a specific version from a specific index.

stepRunnerLibVersion If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as as the version of the Workflow Step Runner library to install.

NOTE: If not given pip will install the latest from either stepRunnerLibIndexUrl or stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl indeterminately.
stepRunnerLibSourceUrl If none empty value given and stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true this will be used as the source location to install the Workflow Step Runner library from rather then from a PEP 503 compliant repository.

If given then the following parameters are ignored:
  • stepRunnerLibIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibVersion

  • git+ installs from the public 'ploigos' fork from the 'feature/NAPSSPO-1018' branch.
  • git+ installs from an internal fork of the step runner library from the 'main' branch.
stepRunnerLibSourceGitTLSNoVerify false If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is specified this value determines whether to verify the Git TLS when checking out the step runner library source for installation.
workflowWorkersImagePullPolicy 'IfNotPresent' Policy for pulling new versions of the imageTag for the CI worker images when running this pipeline.
workflowWorkerImageDefault 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when no other specific container image has been specified for that step.
workflowWorkerImageUnitTest Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing unit test step(s).
workflowWorkerImagePackage Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing package application step(s).
workflowWorkerImageStaticCodeAnalysis Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing static code analysis step(s).
workflowWorkerImagePushArtifacts Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing push push packaged artifacts step(s).
workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing container operations (build/push/etc) step(s).
workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticComplianceScan 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing container image static compliance scan step(s).
workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticVulnerabilityScan 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing container image static vulnerability scan step(s).
workflowWorkerImageDeploy 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-argocd:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing deploy step(s).
workflowWorkerImageValidateEnvironmentConfiguration 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-config-lint:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing validate environment configuration step(s).
workflowWorkerImageUAT Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing user acceptance tests (UAT) step(s).
workflowServiceAccountName 'jenkins' Kubernetes ServiceAccount that the Jenkins Worker Kubernetes Pod should be deployed with.

IMPORTANT: This Kubernetes ServiceAccount needs to have access (via RoleBinding to Role) to a SecurityContextConstraints that can use the SETUID and SETGID capabilities for building container images within a container running rootless with a random UID.
trustedCABundleConfigMapName Name of the ConfigMap to mount as a trusted CA Bundle.
Useful for when interacting with external services signed by an internal CA.
If not specified then ignored.
separatePlatformConfig false Flag indicating that platform-level configuration is separated from app-level configuration, instead provided by way of the following Kubernetes objects, which are mounted into the agent Pod:
  • A ConfigMap named ploigos-platform-config
  • A Secret named ploigos-platform-config-secrets


Use Ploigos Step Runner from embedded binary

NOTE: Assumes container platform is configured with container image search path that can find the Ploigos workflow worker images by short name. EX, is on the container image search path.

// Load the Ploigos Jenkins Library
library identifier: 'ploigos-jenkins-library@v1.0.0',
retriever: modernSCM([
    $class: 'GitSCMSource',
    remote: ''

// run the pipeline
    stepRunnerConfigDir: 'cicd/ploigos-step-runner-config/',
    pgpKeysSecretName: 'pgp-keys-ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowServiceAccountName: 'ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowWorkerImageDefault: 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageUnitTest: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImagePackage: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageStaticCodeAnalysis: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-sonar:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImagePushArtifacts: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticComplianceScan: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticVulnerabilityScan: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageDeploy: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-argocd:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageValidateEnvironmentConfiguration: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-config-lint:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageUAT: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0'

Use Ploigos Step Runner from source

NOTE: Assumes container platform is configured with container image search path that can find the Ploigos workflow worker images by short name. EX, is on the container image search path.

// Load the Ploigos Jenkins Library
library identifier: 'ploigos-jenkins-library@v1.0.0',
retriever: modernSCM([
    $class: 'GitSCMSource',
    remote: ''

// run the pipeline
    stepRunnerConfigDir: 'cicd/ploigos-step-runner-config/',
    pgpKeysSecretName: 'pgp-keys-ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowServiceAccountName: 'ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowWorkerImageDefault: 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageUnitTest: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImagePackage: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageStaticCodeAnalysis: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-sonar:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImagePushArtifacts: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticComplianceScan: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticVulnerabilityScan: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageDeploy: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-argocd:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageValidateEnvironmentConfiguration: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-config-lint:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageUAT: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-maven:v1.0.0',

    stepRunnerUpdateLibrary: true,
    stepRunnerLibSourceUrl: "git+"

Existing Container Image Scan (ploigosWorkflowExistingContainerImageScan)

Pulls an existing container image and performance static container image vulnerability and compliance scanning.

Useful as a base for scanning third party images before pulling them into a trusted internal container image repository.

Intended use is that a parameterized Jenkins build is created so arbitrary container images can be scanned.


Parameter Default Description
verbose 'false' log any *sh commands used during execution
stepRunnerConfigDir '' Path to the Step Runner configuration to pass to the Workflow Step Runner when running workflow steps.
pgpKeysSecretName Name of the Kubernetes Secret containing the PGP private keys to import for use by SOPS to decrypt encrypted Step Runner config.
stepRunnerPackageName 'ploigos-step-runner' Name of the python package to use as the Workflow Step Runner.
stepRunnerUpdateLibrary false If 'true', then pull the Workflow Step Runner library source code and build it.
If 'false', use the version of the Workflow Step Runner library that is pre-installed in the CI worker images.

If 'false' then the following parameters are ignored:
  • stepRunnerLibSourceUrl
  • stepRunnerLibIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibVersion
stepRunnerLibIndexUrl '' If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as '--index-url' for installing the Workflow Step Runner library and its dependencies.

NOTE: PIP is indeterminate whether it will pull packages from --index-url or --extra-index-url, therefor be sure to specify stepRunnerLibVersion if trying to pull a specific version from a specific index.

stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl '' If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as '--extra-index-url' for installing the Workflow Step Runner library and its dependencies.

NOTE: PIP is indeterminate whether it will pull packages from --index-url or --extra-index-url, therefor be sure to specify stepRunnerLibVersion if trying to pull a specific version from a specific index.

stepRunnerLibVersion If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is not supplied then this will be passed to pip as as the version of the Workflow Step Runner library to install.

NOTE: If not given pip will install the latest from either stepRunnerLibIndexUrl or stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl indeterminately.
stepRunnerLibSourceUrl If none empty value given and stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true this will be used as the source location to install the Workflow Step Runner library from rather then from a PEP 503 compliant repository.

If given then the following parameters are ignored:
  • stepRunnerLibIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibExtraIndexUrl
  • stepRunnerLibVersion

  • git+ installs from the public 'ploigos' fork from the 'feature/NAPSSPO-1018' branch.
  • git+ installs from an internal fork of the step runner library from the 'main' branch.
stepRunnerLibSourceGitTLSNoVerify false If stepRunnerUpdateLibrary is true and stepRunnerLibSourceUrl is specified this value determines whether to verify the Git TLS when checking out the step runner library source for installation.
workflowWorkersImagePullPolicy 'IfNotPresent' Policy for pulling new versions of the imageTag for the CI worker images when running this pipeline.
workflowWorkerImageDefault 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when no other specific container image has been specified for that step.
workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing container operations (build/push/etc) step(s).
workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticComplianceScan 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing container image static compliance scan step(s).
workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticVulnerabilityScan 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:latest' Container image to use when creating a workflow worker to run pipeline steps when performing container image static vulnerability scan step(s).
workflowServiceAccountName 'jenkins' Kubernetes ServiceAccount that the Jenkins Worker Kubernetes Pod should be deployed with.

IMPORTANT: This Kubernetes ServiceAccount needs to have access (via RoleBinding to Role) to a SecurityContextConstraints that can use the SETUID and SETGID capabilities for building container images within a container running rootless with a random UID.
trustedCABundleConfigMapName Name of the ConfigMap to mount as a trusted CA Bundle.
Useful for when interacting with external services signed by an internal CA.
If not specified then ignored.
separatePlatformConfig false Flag indicating that platform-level configuration is separated from app-level configuration, instead provided by way of the following Kubernetes objects, which are mounted into the agent Pod:
  • A ConfigMap named ploigos-platform-config
  • A Secret named ploigos-platform-config-secrets
registryCredentialName Jenkins Credentials that contains the Username/Password pair for accessing your registry where the container image is hosted.
registryURL Registry URL of the container image to scan.
i.e. In registry URL is
imageOrg Org/Subdirectory of the container image to scan.
i.e. In image organization is myorg.
imageName Repository/Container of the container image to scan.
i.e. In image name is mycontainer.
imageTag Container image tag to scan.
i.e. In image tag is mytag.


Use Ploigos Step Runner from embedded binary

NOTE: Assumes container platform is configured with container image search path that can find the Ploigos workflow worker images by short name. EX, is on the container image search path.

// Load the Ploigos Jenkins Library
library identifier: 'ploigos-jenkins-library@v1.0.0',
retriever: modernSCM([
    $class: 'GitSCMSource',
    remote: ''

// run the pipeline
    stepRunnerConfigDir: 'cicd/ploigos-step-runner-config/',
    pgpKeysSecretName: 'pgp-keys-ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowServiceAccountName: 'ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowWorkerImageDefault: 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticComplianceScan: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticVulnerabilityScan: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:v1.0.0'

Use Ploigos Step Runner from source

NOTE: Assumes container platform is configured with container image search path that can find the Ploigos workflow worker images by short name. EX, is on the container image search path.

// Load the Ploigos Jenkins Library
library identifier: 'ploigos-jenkins-library@v1.0.0',
retriever: modernSCM([
    $class: 'GitSCMSource',
    remote: ''

// run the pipeline
    stepRunnerConfigDir: 'cicd/ploigos-step-runner-config/',
    pgpKeysSecretName: 'pgp-keys-ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowServiceAccountName: 'ploigos-workflow-ref-quarkus-mvn-jenkins-std-fruit',

    workflowWorkerImageDefault: 'ploigos/ploigos-ci-agent-jenkins:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerOperations: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-containers:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticComplianceScan: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:v1.0.0',
    workflowWorkerImageContainerImageStaticVulnerabilityScan: 'ploigos/ploigos-tool-openscap:v1.0.0'

    stepRunnerUpdateLibrary: true,
    stepRunnerLibSourceUrl: "git+"