
OS X port of Handmade Hero

Primary LanguageC++


A port of Handmade Hero (http://handmadehero.org) for macOS.

This repository works with Casey's source code from Day 615.

If you encounter any errors compiling or running on a particular day of the series, check out the macOS Porting Notes section below. I have made occasional patches along the way to fix interim problems porting to macOS.

This macOS platform layer code does not need to be updated for every episode of Handmade Hero, although I do test each day's code on macOS. If you see "missing" days in this macOS repository, it just means that the most recent version of the macOS platform layer will work. For example, day 405 of the macOS platform layer will work with Casey's Handmade Hero days 405 through 409.

Compiling and Running

Once you clone or update this repository, copy (or clone/pull, if you are using Casey's Github repository) Casey's source code files to the cpp/code subdirectory of this repository. Also, copy over the sources and tags asset folders to the root directory of this repository.

Your resulting directory structure should look like this:

// files from this repository...
.                      // root directory of this repository
code/                  // macOS platform code
patches/               // patches to Casey's source code
xcode/                 // optional Xcode project files
// files from Handmade Hero distribution...
cpp/code/              // Casey's code
sources/               // artwork and sounds
tags/                  // descriptions and instructions for asset import

Before you compile the code, run

sh fix_handmade_hero_source.sh

from the root directory of this repository to apply any relevant patches to Casey's Handmade Hero code. This shell script is updated to run appropriate patch files from the patches subdirectory. If there are no pending patches for a particular day, the shell script does nothing.

The first time you compile, run make full from the code directory (Note: not the cpp/code directory!) to build the application bundle. Note that a make full will cause an entire asset import on the subsequent game startup, which is slow. And it's extra slow in debug mode, so doing the initial asset import in release mode is recommended.

Once you have done a full build and have created the application bundles, you can run make (with no arguments) to just recompile the dynamic libraries and the executable. Most of the build time when running a make full is spent copying over the large asset files, so make avoids that step and also avoids a full asset import on game startup.

You can then either run handmade directly, or open Handmade.app. The advantage of running handmade directly is that debug console output (printf's, etc.) will be displayed in your terminal window instead of being logged to the System Console.

I typically run the game from the command line like this:


I normally use lldb to debug. lldb has a gui command that will display a source code and variable view while debugging. It's not great, but it's sometimes better than using the plain command line mode in lldb. You can also debug using Xcode.

Hot Code Reloading

Hot code reloading is supported, so you can just run make again (or have your favorite editor do it) while the application is running to build and reload the newest code. make recompiles all of the code targets. If you know that your code change only affects a single target (e.g. the renderer dynamic library), you can just recompile that particular target to speed up the hot reloading cycle. These are the individual targets for the game:

make handmade
make libhandmade.dylib
make libhandmade_opengl.dylib


There are make targets for several utilities. None of these utilities are required to run the game, but they are useful for debugging and exploring.

First, there are utilities that have been rewritten for macOS:

make HandmadeTabView
make HandmadeRendererTest
make osx_hhfont

HandmadeTabView can view a text dump of an asset file that was generated by hhaedit. You can either open a dump file, or drag one into the application window.

HandmadeRendererTest is a macOS version of the Windows renderer test utility.

osx_hhfont uses CoreText to generate PNG glyph files and tag files from any installed macOS font. Run osx_hhfont with no arguments to see the command line options. The options differ slightly from the official Handmade Hero version. There is also a debug mode option featuring ASCII glyph art.

Several utilities from the Handmade Hero distribution compile with no needed changes (outside of an occasional patch) on macOS:

make hhaedit
make hhsphere
make hhlightprof
make test_png

macOS Porting Notes

Day 615 Note:

Updated the patch to hhlightprof to replace the Microsoft-specific __popcnt with the more portable Intel _mm_popcnt_u32 intrinsic.

Day 612 Note:

Casey turned off the raycaster at the end of the stream to test some performance numbers, so you will see a dark world. If you want to turn the lights back on, comment out the CostMetric = 0; on line 383 in handmade_lighting.cpp.

Day 593 Note:

The hhlightprof doesn't currently compile under macOS due to the new Windows-specific QueryPerformanceCounter calls. I created a quick patch to fix the errors. The fix is not a great solution for high-precision timing and is subject to overflow for long elapsed time measures. For the non-critical and relatively short elapsed timing that we are doing, it should be good enough.

You can apply the patch by running:

sh fix_handmade_hero_source.sh

and then compiling with make hhlightprof. Once you have compiled and run Handmade Hero to generate the .dump files, change to the ./Contents/Resources/debug directory of the application bundle you are using and run hhlightprof from that directory.

Day 591 Note:

Added a new target for hhlightprof. The debug .dump files are located in the ./Contents/Resources/debug directory of the application bundle that you are using.

If you use the ./handmade development executable, then run hhlightprof like this:

hhlightprof ./Contents/Resources/debug/lightboxes.dump

Or if using Handmade.app:

hhlightprof Handmade.app/Contents/Resources/debug/lightboxes.dump

Day 576 Note:

Shaders now get recompiled upon a hot-reload. If you know you are only changing the renderer (and not the game code), you can just make libhandmade_opengl.dylib to quickly rebuild just the renderer code.

Day 575 Note:

Hot loading of the renderer is now supported.

The default make target is now make quick, which recompiles all of the code, but does not rebuild the application bundle. This will prevent re-importing the asset libraries on startup.

If you want to rebuild the application bundles and force a re-import of the asset libraries, you now run make full.

Day 552 Note:

Somewhere between Day 551 and 552, the PushX macros were fixed so I removed that patch. However, we are zero sum on patches for the day as I had to add a new patch to fix two misplaced alignas decorators in handmade_sampling_spheres.inl.

As usual, you can apply patches by running:

sh fix_handmade_hero_source.sh

Day 541 Note:

I added a new patch to fix a few compile errors in the PushX macros madness in handmade_memory.h. I'm not sure how the Visual Studio compiler let those slide, but clang said no way.

You can apply the patch by running:

sh fix_handmade_hero_source.sh

Day 532 Note:

I wrote a native macOS version of hhfont using Core Text. It is not required, as you can just use the font images and hht file that Casey generated. I was mostly interested in learning about some of the details of Core Text that I hadn't used before.

If you do want to generate your own font images and hht files, you can compile and run the utility like this:

make osx_hhfont

If you run osx_hhfont with no command line options, you will see some usage details. Once you generate the .hht file and the png images, copy the .hht file and the .png files into the appropriate tags and sources directories.

osx_hhfont also has a handy debugging mode to ASCII print a single code point or glyph. See the usage for details.

Day 526 Note:

Make sure you reimport your assets (or just do a full 'make' build) so you can hear the sound and music play.

Day 516 Note:

Make sure you move the /sources directory tree to the root directory of this repository before running make.

A full build triggers an asset import when running the game for the first time. Asset importing is slow. If you are just making code changes and don't need to reimport assets between builds, then 'make quick' is the target you want.

Day 498 Note:

After you do a clean compile and run the game for the first time, you have to import and save the textures using the new DevUI command button (hit F10 to display the DevUI, F9 to dismiss it when finished).

Day 493 Note:

The handmade_dev_ui.cpp compile error was fixed in day 493. You should still run 'fix_handmade_hero_source.sh' to patch the lingering OpenGL artifact issue if you notice it happening on your particular graphics hardware.

Compilation note: Hot reloading works when you use the 'make quick' target. This will recompile the executable and the dynamic library and move them into place without needing to rebuild the entire application bundle.

The 'make quick' target is also useful to prevent the assets from being re-imported when rebuilding the application bundle, which is what happens when performing a default 'make'.

Day 492 Note:

I added a new patch to fix a compile error in handmade_dev_ui.cpp. clang complains about passing string literals to the Button() function which expects a char pointer. For now, the patch just casts the string literals to character pointers.

You can apply the patch by running:

sh fix_handmade_hero_source.sh

Also, don't forget to regenerate your .hha files to fix the font glyph alignment bug.

Day 472 Note:

If you want to run the HandmadeRendererTest with textures, you will have to recreate the sample textures that Casey created on stream and put them in the ./data/renderer_test directory. I recreated them with Gimp on macOS, but I didn't want to redistribute Casey's original artwork.

WARNING: The popular native graphics editing packages on macOS (Acorn, Pixelmator, Affinity Photo, Preview, etc.) either do not export bitmaps at all, or do not write bitmaps in the .bmp format that the Handmade Hero code expects. The y-axis is flipped and a different compression method is used. I'd recommend downloading and using Gimp to create the .bmp files.

Day 471 Note:

I added an macOS version of the HandmadeRendererTest application. You can build this by running:

make HandmadeRendererTest

in the code subdirectory. This will create the HandmadeRendererTest.app bundle. You can run the application from the Finder or by launching it from a shell prompt like this:

open HandmadeRendererTest.app

Day 467 Note:

Day 467 started using version 1 assets, so don't forget to rewrite the .hha files! You can rewrite an .hha file like this:

hhaedit -rewrite ../data/intro_art.hha ../data/intro_art_v1.hha

Day 468 started using local.hha to dynamically import .png resources at runtime. Make sure you create a local.hha file before compiling the application bundle if you want this functionality at runtime.

hhaedit -create ../data/local.hha

Day 466 Note:

I added an macOS version of the TabView utility. You can build this by running:

make HandmadeTabView

in the code subdirectory (the same directory where you build Handmade Hero). This will create the HandmadeTabView.app bundle.

Some notes:

  • Create .hha dump files for viewing like this:

    hhaedit -dump ../data/intro_art_v1.hha > intro_art_v1.hha.dump
  • Run HandmadeTabView.app. Either double-click the .app file in the Finder, or run it from a shell prompt like this:

    open HandmadeTabView.app
  • The application launches with an empty document. You can drag and drop a dump file from the Finder onto any existing window (empty or not) and it will replace the current contents with the contents of the dropped file. You can also use the standard Open File or Open Recent menu items to select a file to open.

  • The application supports multiple files open at the same time so that you can compare dump file contents.

  • 'Command +' and 'Command -' (also available from the View menu) will expand/collapse all nodes of a dump tree in the currently active window.

  • 'Command r' will reload the file contents of the currently active window.

2018-08-17 Note:

While the code compiles as-is on macOS, you must first apply a patch to Casey's Handmade Hero source code to get the game to render properly. You can apply the patch by running:

sh fix_handmade_hero_source.sh

This patches a problem in handmade_opengl.cpp:

  • Casey's final implementation for multisample depth peeling on Day 388 causes undesirable artifacts on macOS. Instead of averaging the Min and Max Depth values, I reverted to using the MaxDepth value in the shader with a threshold of 0.02. This still produces some minor artifacts, but it is a big improvement over the averaging method. I'll continue to look into this.

Note on using joysticks: Casey added a Clutch control on Day 443. He uses an XBox controller's Left or Right "Trigger" buttons for the Clutch control. I currently have this mapped to HID Button 6 on macOS, which on a Logitech Dual Action controller, corresponds to the top right shoulder button. Your mileage may vary with other controllers. Let me know if you have problems.


Jeff Buck

The original version of Handmade Hero is being created by Casey Muratori.