Example notebooks and tutorials from Constellate, the text analysis service from ITHAKA.
Jupyter Notebook
- BertREdinburgh, United Kingdom
- CECSpecialistIUniversity of Washington Libraries
- chris-vecchioNational Bureau of Economic Research
- DerekV@MadDogTechnology
- devnich
- educatorsRlearners@mrswordsmith
- Enan456
- escharesIowa State University
- Grantglass@NetAppDocs @blakearchive
- hawc2@programminghistorian, @phillycommunitywireless, @TempleDSS
- hoct31
- iandesjITHAKA
- jagarinartBudapest
- jdcarNorthwestern University
- juliaflandersNortheastern University
- KellySwickard
- kspicer80
- lagboltLas Vegas, NV
- leticiahan
- librarianrafia@SouthernMethodistUniversity
- manika-lambaUniversity of Oklahoma, School of Library and Information Studies
- MaryAshby
- mchesterkadwellKing's College London
- mesloaneMurfreesboro, Tennessee, USA
- mhaeussermannGermany
- nancyum
- nkelber@ithaka
- OldCats
- Shivani-SrivastavaIndian School of Business
- shubhampokharelITHAKA
- spswanz
- tklebelKnow-Center GmbH
- ValRCSNational Library of Latvia
- vincentml
- vmdowney
- waingram@VirginiaTech @VTUL