This is the code for the Visual Studio Code Extension what the kaze-cli uses.
The current version of kaze-vscode-extension code has some software dependencies that can not be currently resolved due to restricted access. For this reason, in this version you cannot build kaze-vscode-extension from the source code. Nevertheless, in the dist folder you will have access to two packaged distributions of kaze-vscode-extension ready to be used, one for Linux systems and another for Mac systems. Enjoy yourself!
Graphic generation of manifests.
name | version |
nvm | whatever |
Visual Studio Code | 1.16.0 |
Node | 8.2.1 |
NPM | 5.3.0 |
wget -qO- | bash
nvm install 8.2
nvm use 8.2
$ cd manigen
$ npm install
$ cd dist && sh
- Open a project that contains manifests of an service and some components
- Press Shift+P and execute the command ""
$ npm run build #to generate js on the fly
- Open this project with VS Code, press F5 and wait for a new VS Code window.
- In this new window open a project that contains manifests of a service and some components
- Press Shift+P and execute the command "SaaSDK Manifest Editor"
- In this environment the data are collected from the project manifests.
- [Vue 2 Documentation]
- [Vue2 Youtube Tutorial]
- [VueX Documentation]
- [VueX Youtube Tutorial]
- [VSCode Extension Example]
The current version of kaze-vscode-extension code has some software dependencies that can not be currently resolved due to restricted access. For this reason, in this version you cannot build kaze-vscode-extension from the source code. Nevertheless, in the dist folder you will have access to two packaged distributions of kaze-vscode-extension ready to be used, one for Linux systems and another for Mac systems.
The kaze-vscode-extension software has been developed in the project SaaSDK: Tools & Services for developing and managing software as a service over a PaaS (SaaSDK: Herramientas y servicios para el desarrollo y gestión de software como servicio sobre un PaaS) jointly financed by Instituto Valenciano de Competitividad Empresarial (IVACE) and European Union through the European Regional Development Fund with grant number IMDEEA/2017/141.