A curated list of best Practices and Tools around development, deployment and maintainance of awesome Avalanche Subnets. Inspired by awesome-go.
- GoGoTools: Reduce "Time to RPC", quickly spin up a subnet dev environment with avalanchego + subnet-evm + precompiles
- Avalanche-cli
- Avalanche Network Runner
- Subnet-EVM Subnet with EVM
- XSVM Cross Subnet Virtual Machine
- TimestampVM Timestamp Virtual Machine
- BlobVM Blob Virtual Machine - Content-Addressable Key-Value Store w/EIP-712 Compatibility and Fee-Based Metering
- SpacesVM Spaces Virtual Machine - Authenticated, Hierarchical Key-Value Store w/EIP-712 Compatibility, State Expiry, and Fee-Based Metering
- BulletproofVM Zero-Knowledge Virtual Machine
- Subnets Official Subnet Dociumentation
- Mastering Avalanche Mastering Avalanche 1st Edition - The Internet of Finance.
- Official Avalanche Blog Official Avalanche Blog on Medium
- Intro to Stateful Precompiles: Customizing the EVM with Stateful Precompiles
- Hello World Precompiles Tutorial Stateful Precompile Generation Tutorial