- 2
Support for New Architecture
#1221 opened by vbansal-bb - 1
Download issue in iOS
#1243 opened by Aditya402 - 6
How integrate with react-native use Kotlin (RN: 0.73.0) instead of Java for Android?
#1214 opened by huynhttdev - 1
error: ambiguous resolution: module `/Users/raul/Documents/GitHub/cotopaxi-public-mobile-app/src/wizard/epics/PhotosEpics.tsx` tries to require `react-native-fs`, but there are several files providing this module.
#1242 opened by r4rmas - 0
Tipo save file
#1241 opened by brumix11 - 6
RNFS.readDir(path) only returns folders in directory files are excluded
#1208 opened by MianIbrarHussain - 0
wrong ctime
#1239 opened by vincon09 - 4
Hash Generated Using Broken Cryptography API (SHA1)
#1238 opened by JayP2405 - 1
- 2
Reading chunks from a large file fails
#1233 opened by 7adidaz - 0
Access Denied
#1237 opened by nehalasim - 1
RNFS.mkdir throws an exception on windows
#1236 opened by rkTri - 2
Please update android compileSdkVersion buildToolsVersion minSdkVersion targetSdkVersion
#1230 opened by Qdafengzi - 4
Tidak dapat menggunakan porder ini
#1235 opened by prigensutdadang - 14
iOS privacy manifest
#1232 opened by gabrielguilhoto - 0
Two issues with uploading/downloading
#1234 opened by gontovnik - 11
>>> The Future of `react-native-fs` <<<
#1197 opened by birdofpreyru - 2
Wrong sha1 checksum for large files (around 1GB)
#1229 opened by scremona-navico - 1
Could not find the path of SD card
#1228 opened by narang-vasu - 0
- 1
sometime stat size return as 3, Please check
#1224 opened by nishadthajudeen001 - 1
Issue when run the app on device in android or ios
#1223 opened by vinod1988 - 1
readFileAssets block/freeze the UI
#1220 opened by arshiyanaz - 0
- 0
Access denied
#1218 opened by nehalasim - 2
- 0
ZIP files corrupted - END header not found
#1217 opened by AshlandWest - 1
Installing react-native-fs causes app to crash. (Invariant Violation: requireNativeComponent: "RNSScreen" was not found in the UIManager.)
#1210 opened by ImanEmadi - 2
Upload timeouts
#1211 opened by Sakethtadimeti - 1
Could not resolve all files for configuration ':react-native-fs:androidJdkImage'.
#1216 opened by Kayxue - 0
- 0
[improvement] downloading file in background on iOS
#1213 opened by truongnguyen3 - 1
CacheDirectory clearing data in IOS
#1206 opened by HemangiVekaria - 3
Reading ByteArray (raw bytes) directly from file
#1194 opened by santo4ul - 1
downloadFile 并不是一个Promise对象 await无效
#1212 opened by TallNutAlt - 3
Asset file download to device
#1204 opened by Shivani12345 - 0
Please Help: uploadFile() sending empty or corrupted files to Google Drive API
#1203 opened by andresmejia3 - 0
iOS uploadFiles error handling ignores error
#1201 opened by SebastianSingle99 - 1
Trying to install React native expo cli but whenever i run npm install, I am getting this error, PLEASE HELP.
#1192 opened by Ashokrawal - 0
iOS uploader exposing upload from file method
#1200 opened by humaidk2 - 5
undefined is not an object (evaluating RNFSManager.RNFSFileTypeRegular) on Android
#1184 opened by canpoyrazoglu - 0
How to access the Pendrive or other removable device through OTG in Android.
#1196 opened by renishdeveloper - 1
- 0
when date and time is wrong on device RNFS.downloadFile throws Error: Chain validation failed
#1193 opened by sagar67 - 0
- 0
Coverity Issues - Resource leak and URI manipulation
#1189 opened by vamsigp - 1
Immediately didn't download a file in android app
#1187 opened by ranjitAcelucid - 0
download file failed
#1188 opened by cvabm - 0
How to tell if a jobid is downloading
#1186 opened by 951759534 - 0
Content-Length http header might be missing
#1185 opened by jaygooby