
simple scripts to look at long vs short

Primary LanguagePython

Bitfinex Long Vs Short script by @whalepoolbtc - https://whalepool.io

Tired of the mis information out there regarding people's analysis and understanding of the bitfinex long/short data - I create this script so people can better get an understanding of the numbers and what they mean.

It's not pretty, but it works.

Todo (someone else not me !)

If anyones feeling keen and enthusiastic, they could...

  • Put the tickers you want to fetch the data for into a dict/list, maybe build the list from an api query
  • Put in api requests into a function to handle/wait upon api limit errors
  • Query the coinmarketcap api, https://api.coinmarketcap.com/v1/ticker/?limit=0 and add another column of data for total supply/circulating supply and the % of the tickers long/short delta relative to the total circulating supply
  • Plot some visualisations of the L/S data
  • Fix the combination pairs, where by ETHUSD+ETHBTC can be added up together
  • Build currency values automatically from inputted ticker pairs
  • Allow input of ticker pairs from command line arguments
  • ~~Output dump of data to csv/json file ~~
  • Save the data hourly to csv
  • Time and date chart
  • Legend to help label charts
  • If we have a small number of tickers, sleep timer can be quicker, if more tickers, sleep time delay longer
  • Add flag to change logging level output
  • Imgur auto upload plotted data for easy sharing

For more info join @whalepoolbtc on telegram

Example console output

Easy copy/paste snippets Easy table for quick comparisson

Example output

Example data visualisaiton output

Example output