
Javascript tagging for Twitter Bootstrap (Written in CoffeeScript)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Boostrap Tags

Bootstrap tags is a lightweight jQuery plugin meant to extend the Twitter Bootstrap UI to include tagging.




  • Autosuggest (for typing or activated by pressing the down key when empty)
  • Bootstrap Popovers (for extended information on a tag)
  • Exclusions (denial of a specified list)
  • Filters (allowance of only a specified list)
  • Placeholder prompts
  • Uses bootstrap button-[type] class styling (customizing your bootstrap will change tag styles accordingly)
  • Extendable with custom functions (eg, on successful tag addition, key presses, exclusions)
  • Not tested on many browsers yet. Uses some HTML5 stuff, so no promises


<div id="my-tag-list" class="tag-list"><div class="tags"></div></div>
	$(function()) {
			tagData:["boilerplate", "tags"],
			suggestions:["basic", "suggestions"],
			excludeList:["not", "these", "words"],



  • readonly: boolean
  • suggestions: Array - autosuggest terms
  • restrictTo: Array of allowed tags (will be combined with suggestions, if provided)
  • exclude: Array of disallowed tags
  • displayPopovers: Boolean
  • popoverTrigger: String 'click', 'hover', 'hoverShowClickHide' - indicate how popovers should be triggered
  • tagClass: String for what class the tag div will have for styling
  • promptText: String placeholder string when there are no tags and nothing typed in
  • readOnlyEmptyMessage: String text to be displayed if there are no tags in readonly mode

See Implementation above for example

Overrideable functions

If you want to override any of the following functions, pass it as an option in the jQuery initialization.

  • beforeAddingTag (tag:string) : anything external you'd like to do with the tag before adding it
  • afterAddingTag (tag:string) : anything external you'd like to do with the tag after adding it
  • beforeDeletingTag (tag:string) : find out which tag is about to be deleted
  • afterDeletingTag (tag:string) : find out which tag was removed by either presseing delete key or clicking the (x)
  • definePopover (tag:string) : must return the popover content for the tag that is being added. (eg "Content for [tag]")
  • excludes (tag:string) : returns true if you want the tag to be excluded, false if allowed
  • pressedReturn (e:triggering event)
  • pressedDelete (e:triggering event)
  • pressedDown (e:triggering event)
  • pressedUp (e:triggering event)


pressedUp = function(e) { console.log('pressed up'); };
whenAddingTag = function (tag) {
	// maybe fetch some content for the tag popover (can be HTML)
excludes = function (tag) {
	// return false if this tagger does *not* exclude
	// -> returns true if tagger should exclude this tag
	// --> this will exclude anything with !
	return (tag.indexOf("!") != -1);
$('#two').tags( {
	suggestions : ["there", "were", "some", "suggested", "terms", "super", "secret", "stuff"],
	restrictTo : ["restrict", "to", "these"],
	whenAddingTag : whenAddingTag,
	pressedUp : pressedUp,
	tagClass : 'btn-warning' }

Controlling tags

Some functions are chainable, and can be used to move the data around outside of the plugin.

  • hasTag(tag:string) - boolean; whether tag is in tag list
  • getTags() - not chainable: returns a list of tags
  • getTagsWithContent() - not chainable: returns a list of objects with a tag property and content property
  • getTag(tag:string) - returns tag as string
  • getTagWithContent(tag:string) - returns object with tag and content property (popover)
  • addTag(tag:string) - chainable
  • renameTag(tag:string, newTag:string) - chainable
  • removeLastTag() - chainable
  • removeTag(tag:string) - chainable
  • addTagWithContent(tag:string, popoverContent:string) - chainable
  • setPopover(tag:string, popoverContent:string) - chainable


var tags = $('#one').tags( {
	suggestions : ["here", "are", "some", "suggestions"],
	popoverData : ["What a wonderful day", "to make some stuff", "up so that I", "can show it works"],
	tagData: ["tag a", "tag b", "tag c", "tag d"],
	excludeList : ["excuse", "my", "vulgarity"],
} );
tags.addTag("tag e!!").removeTag("tag b").setPopover("tag c", "Changed popover content");

To reference a tags instance that you've already attached to a selector, (eg. $(selector).tags(options)) you can use $(selector).tags() or $(selector).tags(index)


For a one off,

$ rake

To build continously, use guard. Install necessary gems with bundler

$ bundle

then start up guard

$ guard


Open SpecRunner.html (powered by Jasmine)