Warning: This repository has been archived. Use the os2forms_digital_post module in OS2Forms/os2forms.

OS2Forms Digital Post

Send Digital Post to danish citizens from a webform.

This module uses the SF1601 service from Serviceplatformen. Information and documentation can be obtained by following that link.


This module provides functionality for sending digital post to danish citizens. A WebformHandler is provided that you can add to your webform, and if configured it will send the submitted data as digital post.

Beskedfordeler endpoint

This module provides an endpoint, /os2forms_digital_post/PostStatusBeskedModtag, for “PostStatusBeskedModtag” to get information on how or why not a digital post has been delivered. See “PostStatusBeskedHent” on https://digitaliseringskataloget.dk/integration/sf1601 for details.


Require it with composer:

composer require "os2forms/os2forms_digital_post"

Enable it with drush:

drush pm:enable os2forms_digital_post

Example forms

See OS2Forms Digital Post examples.


Go to /admin/os2forms_digital_post/settings to set up global settings for digital post.

Drush commands

drush --uri=$(itkdev-docker-compose url) os2forms_digital_post:digital-post:send --help

drush --uri=$(itkdev-docker-compose url) os2forms_digital_post:digital-post:memo-show --help


Digital post is sent via jobs via an Advanced Queue called os2forms_digital_post.

The queue is processed via Drupal's cron run, but you can manually process the queue with drush if you want to process it more often than other Drupal cron jobs:

drush advancedqueue:queue:process os2forms_digital_post

List the queue (and all other queues) with

drush advancedqueue:queue:list

or go to /admin/config/system/queues/jobs/os2forms_digital_post for a graphical overview of jobs in the queue.

Coding standards

All coding standards are checked with GitHub Actions when a pull request is made (cf. <.github/workflows/pr.yaml>).

Check coding standards:

docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume ${PWD}:/app itkdev/php8.1-fpm:latest composer install
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume ${PWD}:/app itkdev/php8.1-fpm:latest composer coding-standards-check

docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume ${PWD}:/app node:18 yarn --cwd /app install
docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume ${PWD}:/app node:18 yarn --cwd /app coding-standards-check

Apply coding standards:

docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume ${PWD}:/app itkdev/php8.1-fpm:latest composer coding-standards-apply

docker run --rm --interactive --tty --volume ${PWD}:/app node:18 yarn --cwd /app coding-standards-apply