Computer vision samples for performance analysis


This is a repo contained computer vision samples for performance analysis on RISC-V. Samples implemented using the well-known OpenCV library.

Repo structure

  • data is a directory that contains input data for the implemented samples.
  • filter is a directory that contains sample for filter2D function.
  • resize is a directory that contains sample for resize function.
  • bow_svm is a directory that contains sample of image classification using bag-of-words approach and Support Vector Machine implemented in OpenCV.
  • nn is a directory that contains sample of deep neural network inference using the OpenCV library.
  • reader is a directory that contains implementation of data readers (currently, Cifar-10 data reader is available).
  • utils is a directory that contains utilities to check correctness of the developed applications.
  • scripts is a directory that contains auxiliary scripts to build and run samples on x86 and RISC-V.

How to build OpenCV for RISC-V

We build OpenCV on Ubuntu (for example, installed on Windows).

The GCC compiler is available here (riscv64-linux-x86_64-20210618.tar.gz). It is required to extract the archive and update environment variable PATH.

tar -xzf riscv64-linux-x86_64-20210618.tar.gz 
export PATH=$GCC_PATH/bin:${PATH}
riscv64-unknown-linux-gnu-gcc --version

To build OpenCV for executing on RISC-V, please, follow instructions below.

cd /home/user
git clone
mkdir opencv_build
cd opencv_build


cmake \
  -G "Unix Makefiles" \
  -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/user/opencv_install \

make -j
make install


  1. Please, use cmake options WITH_OPENMP, WITH_TBB or WITH_PTHREADS_PF to build parallel versions.
  2. Build scripts are located in the directory scripts\build.

How to build samples for RISC-V

We build samples on the same computer where OpenCV was build.

mkdir perf-samples
cd perf-samples
git clone
mkdir opencv-samples-perf-analysis-build
cd opencv-samples-perf-analysis-build
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" \
      -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
      -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/riscv64-071-gcc.toolchain.cmake \
      -DOpenCV_DIR=/home/user/opencv_install \
make -j
cd /bin


  1. Please, use cmake option WITH_OPENMP to build parallel version.
  2. build scripts are located in the directory scripts\build.

How to run on RISC-V

Filtering (filter)

./filter ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/filter/forest.jpg \ 
         ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/filter/kernel.txt \
         -1 -1 0 forest_filtered.jpg


  1. The anchor value (-1, -1) corresponds to the kernel center. Example for the kernel size 3x3 (Ox is a horizontal axis, Oy is a vertical axis):

    x, y x, y x, y
    0, 0 0, 1 0, 2
    1, 0 1, 1 1, 2
    2, 0 2, 1 2, 2
  2. The border type 0 corresponds to the constant border.

Resizing (resize)

./resize ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/resize/forest.jpg \
         100 100 0 forest_resized.jpg


  1. 100x100 corresponds to the new size.
  2. 0 corresponds nearest neighbor interpolation.

Erosion (erosion)

./erosion ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/filter/forest.jpg \ 
        1 -1 -1  1 0 forest_erosion.jpg


  1. The anchor value (-1, -1) corresponds to the kernel center. Example for the kernel size 3x3. erosion_size = 1 (Ox is a horizontal axis, Oy is a vertical axis):

    x, y x, y x, y
    0, 0 0, 1 0, 2
    1, 0 1, 1 1, 2
    2, 0 2, 1 2, 2
  2. The border type 0 corresponds to the constant border.

Bag-of-words with Support Vector Machine (bow_svm)


./bow_svm train cifar-10-batches-bin/ cifar10 svm.xml \
          100 2 3 0.01 100 vocabulary.yml 32 SIFT SIFT

Test (inference)

./bow_svm inference cifar-10-batches-bin/ cifar10 \
          ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/bow_svm/svm.xml \
          ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/bow_svm/vocabulary.yml \
          SIFT SIFT output.yml


  1. Cifar10 can be downloaded here.

Neural network inference (nn)


./nn alexnet_deploy.prototxt bvlc_alexnet.caffemodel \
     ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/nn/ \
     256 1 224 224 104 117 123 output.yml


  1. AlexNet can be downloaded here (alexnet.prototxt, alexnet)
  2. Output looks as follows:
image: ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/nn/ILSVRC2012_val_00000023.JPEG
probability: [0.99829763, 0.00056126592, 0.0003486975, 6.7908339e-05, 6.555381e-05]
class: 948
image: ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/nn/ILSVRC2012_val_00000247.JPEG
probability: [0.99999547, 4.3205505e-06, 2.8146468e-07, 2.0098549e-08, 1.2273974e-08]
class: 13
image: ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/nn/ILSVRC2012_val_00018592.JPEG
probability: [0.89906287, 0.027598409, 0.020923723, 0.0196473, 0.0062733875]
class: 625


./nn googlenet.prototxt bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel \
     ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/nn/ \
     256 1 224 224 104 117 123 output.yml


  1. GoogleNet can be downloaded here (googlenet.prototxt, googlenet).
  2. Output looks as follows:
image: ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/nn/LSVRC2012_val_00000023.JPEG
probability: [0.99829763, 0.00056126592, 0.0003486975, 6.7908339e-05, 6.555381e-05]
class: 948
image: ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/nn/ILSVRC2012_val_00000247.JPEG
probability: [0.99999547, 4.3205505e-06, 2.8146468e-07, 2.0098549e-08, 1.2273974e-08]
class: 13
image: ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/nn/ILSVRC2012_val_00018592.JPEG
probability: [0.89906287, 0.027598409, 0.020923723, 0.0196473, 0.0062733875]
class: 625

Utilities (utils)

Check difference between two images (required for filtering and resizing)

./diff_images ../../opencv-samples-perf-analysis/data/filter/forest_filtered_x86.jpg \

Compute accuracy for the SVM classifier

./check_svm_accuracy cifar10 output.yml cifar-10-batches-bin/

Compute top-1 and top-5 accuracy for the NN classifier

./check_nn_accuracy output.yml \


Experimental results are available here.