
My NixOS Configs ❄️

Primary LanguageNixThe UnlicenseUnlicense

My Nix Configurations 💻

My modular Nix configs🔥

Requirements ⚙️

NixOS Configurations

Home-Manager Configuration

Flake End-Points Exposed ❄️

NixOS Configurations:

  • desktop
  • wsl
  • server (wip)
  • vm

Home-Manager Configurations:

  • workstation

Fork this repo, take inspiration, borrow ideas and create your own NixOS configs & modules

Developing & Customizing 🔧

If you need a list of available packages and options:

Invoke nix develop to enter a development shell powered by just
Invoke just in order to view an available list of project scripts

user.configs.nix is a symlink to conveniently access centrally defined common user variables from the repo root

⚠️ Be sure to tailor any hardware settings to your own
⚠️ Replace the hardware.nix found in the src/system/machines/<machine> directory
⚠️ Run nixos-generate-config to generate a hardware-configuration.nix for your current system