
Service for self-employment people helps customers to pick free time without communication

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Time picker

Time picker - service for self-employment people helps customers to pick free time without communication


  • It is very uncomfortable for self-employment people to make time-management for their customers.

  • People who want to use personal services have difficult with booking free time for


Provide a service, which could make a personal page for booking free time of self-employments man. Man register at service, write a little discription of his specalization and selects time, when he could provide some help for others. User could find a personal page for service that they need and just a book free time of specialist

Simplified cases

  • Self-employment people (for example manicurists, barbers, turors, etc.) just write their free time on board, then give a link to customers. Customers book time without communication with barber.

  • Custumers could find the closest way to have a service.

Application workflow is on the picture below: Workflow

ToDo list

  • Discuss teammates roles
  • Create databases with two tables
    • table workers:
      • nickname
      • name
      • surname
      • offered service
      • about informations
      • location
      • free work hours
    • table users
      • nickname
      • name
      • surname
      • reserved time
  • Create Backend part:
    • registration func
    • finding services by name/location
    • reserve time func
    • confirm time and notify func
  • Create Frontend part for each backend functions
  • Deploy

Quick start:

  • set up "config.py"

  • execute "run.py"