Makes it easier to add DEB repositories and install packages on an Ubuntu host.
Steps performed are:
- Get updated facts about the current Ubuntu running state
- Update apt package cache
- Make sure all needed dependency packages are installed
- Add all keys used to authenticate deb trusted packages
- Add all apt repositories
- Refresh apt package cache for new repos
- Add all deb packages
Variable | Description | Default Value |
__manage_pkg_dependency |
Default dependencies needed by the role | [apt-transport-https, ca-certificates, gnupg-agent] |
manage_pkg_key_do |
Pick the operation to perform on listed keys (present or absent ) |
present |
manage_pkg_key |
List of keys to add (Check Example) | [{key: <HEX-KEY>, url: <key-server-url>}] |
manage_pkg_repo_do |
Pick the operation to perform on listed repos (present or absent ) |
present |
manage_pkg_repo |
List of deb repositories (Check Example for formats) | [] |
manage_pkg_dependency |
List of dependencies | "{{ __manage_pkg_dependency }}" |
manage_pkg_app_do |
Pick the operation to perform on listed deb packages (present or absent ) |
present |
manage_pkg_app_install_recommends |
Wheter or not to also add all recommended deb pkgs related to the ones to install | no |
manage_pkg_app |
List of applications to install | [] |
- itnok.is_ubuntu (:octocat: ansible-role-is-ubuntu)
To install dependencies use:
$ ansible-galaxy install <>
Installation of the required Ansible Roles can also be simply addressed with:
$ ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml
Here an example of how to use this role in your playbooks:
- hosts: servers
remote_user: ubuntu # optional (your remote user)
gather_facts: yes # optional
become: yes
- { role: itnok.manage_pkg_ubuntu }
docker_dependency: # optional (Pick whatever name you like for this variable)
- curl
- software-properties-common
manage_pkg_dependency: "{{ manage_pkg_dependency + docker_dependency }}"
- { key: "", url: "" }
- "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"
- "ppa:embrosyn/cinnamon"
- "ppa:noobslab/macbuntu"
- "cinnamon"
- "docker-ce"
- "macbuntu-os-icons-v1804"
- "macbuntu-os-ithemes-v1804"
- "macbuntu-os-plank-theme-v1804"
- "plank"
MIT (read more)