data <- read.csv("AV36_100.csv", header=T) ; dim(data) N=dim(data)[1]; M=dim(data)[2]; N; M
library(qrmtools); library(evir); library(plyr)
et k-anonymiser des données : k-anonymiser les 5 variables qui ont les plus probabilité de re-identification - colonne 7,11,12,13,25
Input: des données brutes, k-anonymisation
Output: des données k-anonymisées
function : anonymise(inp,k)
inp <- data[,c(7,11,12,13,25)] outp <- anonymise(inp,3)
newdata <- cbind(data[,c(1:6)],outp[,1],data[,c(8:10)], outp[,c(2,3,4)],data[,c(14:24)],outp[,5],data[,c(26:36)])[,-c(3,35)] dim(newdata)
Input: des données, h-uplet
Output: des probabilité de re-identification
function : prob_re(inp, h) h=2 x <- prob_re(newdata,h)$prob; length(x)
5. Calculer l’indicateur de dangerosité – « x_hat» avec le 5% des valeurs les plus grandes de la probabilité de re-identification (alpha = 0.05) et à un quantile très élevé, par exemple : v=0.99 ou v=0.99 (Méthode GPD, Peaks Over Threshold - POT)
Calculer l’indicateur de dangerosité
Input: des probabilité de re-identification, le percentage alpha(%) des valeurs les plus grandes, le niveau de confidence
Output: l’indicateur de dangerosité
function: id.danger(x, v, alpha)
LOGIT Méthode function: id.danger.logit(x, v, alpha)
v1=0.99; v2=0.999; alpha=0.05 id.danger.logit(x,v1,v2,alpha)
hist(x, main="Histogram of prob of re-identification", xlab="Probability", ylab="Frequency") legend("topright",col=c(2,4,5),legend=c(paste("threshold",alpha*100,"%"), paste("threshold",(1-v)*100,"%"), paste("threshold",(1-v2)*100,"%")),lty=c(1,1,1),lwd=c(2,2,2))
plot(x, ylab="Probability",xlab = paste(length(x),"combinations"), main="prob of re-identification")
u <- id.danger(x,v,alpha)$threshold u1 <- id.danger(x,0.99,0.01)$threshold; ### at level 0.99 u2 <- id.danger(x,0.999,0.001)$threshold; ### at level 0.999 mean_excess_plot(x, main=paste("Threshold of",alpha*100,"% extremes values u =",round(u,4)),xlim=c(0,max(x))) segments(u,0,u,1,col=2,lwd=2) segments(u1,0,u1,1,col=4,lwd=2) segments(u2,0,u2,1,col=5,lwd=2)
tms <- id.danger(x,v,alpha) xi <- round(tms$shape,4); beta <- round(tms$scale,4) u <- tms$threshold; ex <- tms$value.extreme xhat1<-tms$POT; xhat2<-id.danger(x,0.999,alpha)$POT xx <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length = 1000) z <- qgpd(xx, xi, u, beta) y <- pgpd(z, xi, u, beta)
plot(sort(ex),ppoints(sort(ex)),type="p",ylab="Fu(x-u)", main= paste("GPD Fit u =",round(u,4)), ylim=c(0,1), xlab=paste("The",alpha*100,"% extremes values of prob of re-identification (x>=u)"))#,log="x") lines(z[y >= 0], y[y >= 0], col=2, lwd=3) legend("bottomright",legend=c(paste("xi =",xi),paste("beta =",beta)))
plot(sort(x),ppoints(sort(x)),type="l",ylab="F(x)", main= paste("POT estimator"), ylim=c(0,1), xlab=paste("The probability of re-identification (x)"))#,log="x") legend("bottomright",col=c(4,5),lty=c(1,1), legend=c(paste("id_99% = ",round(xhat1,4)),paste("id_99.9% =",round(xhat2,4)))) segments(xhat1,0,xhat1,v,col=4,lwd=2) segments(xhat1,v,0,v,col=4,lwd=2) segments(xhat2,0,xhat2,v,col=5,lwd=2) segments(xhat2,v2,0,v2,col=5,lwd=2)
par(oma=c(0,0,2,0)) par(mfrow=c(2,2)) Plot_id(x,v1,v2,alpha) title(main=paste("AV36 : N =",N,"observations, M =",M,"attributes, h =",h,"keys"),col=4,outer=T)