
A repo to play around with git-flow.

MIT LicenseMIT

Notes for git related tips

Sync from remote master branch to local master branch

Use case: Make changes directly to remote master branch. Want to sync it to local branch.

git fetch origin
git reset --hard origin/master

Squash the commits

git rebase -i commit#

Then choose squash!

Add remote URLs

git remote add some_name URL 

Catch-up with upatream

git fetch --all
git checkout master
git rebase upstream/master master
git push -f origina master

List all authors in the repo

git log --all --format='%aN' | sort -u

Checkout tag

git tag -l
git checkout refs/tags/7.0.0

Unstage an added file

git reset HEAD fileName

Untrack a file that was added one time but now ignored in .gitignore

Reference: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1274057/making-git-forget-about-a-file-that-was-tracked-but-is-now-in-gitignore

git rm --cached <file>


git commit --fixup=COMMIT_HASH
git rebase -i --autosquash COMMIT_HASH_TO_REBASE

Show changed files only between 2 commits

git diff --name-only commit1 commit2

3 way rebase

git rebase --onto commit from_commit to_commit

Add upstream URL

git remote add upstream UPATREAM_URL

Delete local branch and remote branch

Delete local branch.

git branch -d branch_to_delete

Delete remote branch (local branch should have been removed as above).

git push origin :branch_to_delete

Add a tag

git tag TAG_NAME

Add an annotated tag

git tag -am "Message" TAG_NAME

Push a tag to remote (e.g.upstream)

git push upstream TAG_NAME

Delete a tag

git tag -d TAG_NAME

Cherry pick a commit

git checkout branch_name
git cherry-pick commit_to_pick

Stash changes

git stash

List stashed changes

git stash list

Apply stashed changes without deleting

git stash apply

Apply stashed changes and delete it

git stash pop

Delete stashed changes

git stash drop

Pick particukar stash

git stash pop stash@{1}

Revert commit

git reset --soft HEAD

Rebase on top of upstream

git rebase upstream/master


git commit --signoff